States can relax highway liquor ban
Red Book
Red Book

ForumIAS announcing GS Foundation Program for UPSC CSE 2025-26 from 10th August. Click Here for more information.

States can relax highway liquor ban


  • The Supreme Court gave the State governments the discretion to decide, on facts, whether areas covered by local self-governing bodies or areas proximate to municipal pockets should be exempted from the court’s nationwide prohibition on sale of liquor within 500 metres along the highways.


  • On July 11, 2017, the court exempted municipal areas from the prohibition.
  • The purpose of the ban, imposed in a December, 2016 judgment, was to prevent drunken driving along these busy thoroughfares.

Clarification sought

  • States, especially Tamil Nadu, came to the court, asking whether panchayats would also come under the definition of “municipal areas” mentioned in the July 11 order.
  • Tamil Nadu said “municipal areas” were not “intended to exclude areas within the jurisdiction of local self-governing bodies.”
  • The States reasoned that in future, these panchayats might be developed in a manner similar to municipalities, or some of them might be geographically proximate to an urban agglomeration.
  • They sought a clarification about the “obvious uncertainties” thrown open by the order.
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