Source: Indian Express Syllabus:Gs3: Inclusive Growth and issues arising from it. Context: Udyam initiative is promising in terms of capturing reliable and verified information about MSMEs but it can impact some MSME’s from accessing formal finance Why the information available on MSME’s are not adequate? Reliable and updated information regarding small businesses in India is… Continue reading MSME Udyam Process
Category: Economy
Bangladesh’s per capita income greater than India’s
Source: Indian Express Syllabus: Gs3: Indian Economy and issues relating to Planning, Mobilization of Resources, Growth, Development and Employment. Context: For the year 2020, the per capita income of an average Bangladeshi citizen would be more than the per capita income of an average Indian citizen. Why India’s per capita income has fallen below Bangladesh… Continue reading Bangladesh’s per capita income greater than India’s
[Eco – 105] Indian Budget, Fiscal policy and Taxation in India.
Taxation troubling you? Learn its complicated concepts with forumias.
[Eco – 103] Part 2/3 – Inflation – Understanding WPI/CPI/PPI and more.
Do you want to clarify WPI, CPI and what not. Check out the article to do so !
[Eco 101] Basics of India’s National Income – GDP, GNP, NNP, GVA, etc – Explained
Having difficulty in understanding concepts like GDP, GVA, constant price, current price and so on? Look no further , we have just the write up for you.
E-commerce games
E-commerce games Issue: India decided to stay out of the WTO e-commerce negotiations announced by about 75 members at the World Economic Forum in Davos Negotiation agendas: Free flow of data located on computer servers without data localization requirements Permanent moratorium on customs duties Non-disclosure of source code Prohibition of forced technology transfer Reasons for… Continue reading E-commerce games
NPA and Bad Bank
Context Finance Minister Piyush Goyal, has announced the formation of a committee to assess the idea of bad banks. What is NPA? NPA or Non-Performing Assets are loans or advances that are in default or are in arrears on scheduled payments of principal or interest, usually for a period of 90 days. Before the period… Continue reading NPA and Bad Bank