Green-unready: On funding high-impact climate solutions

Synopsis: Fighting climate crisis needs high impact solutions led by entrepreneurs and start-ups. Hence, funding assumes critical importance. Contents1 Introduction2 What is the major problem faced in commercialization of high-impact innovations?3 Why there is a lack of risk capital?4 What is required to push the transition of ideas from labs to markets? Introduction Addressing climate… Continue reading Green-unready: On funding high-impact climate solutions

Time to set ourselves a carbon-neutrality goal

Source: Livemint Relevance: Future course of action to for India in keeping its Paris commitment Synopsis: India should take steps to fix itself specific carbon neutrality targets so that we can have a healthy carbon market in India. Contents1 Background2 Sub-continent is vulnerable 3 Paris target is possible4 What must India do? Background Right now, our… Continue reading Time to set ourselves a carbon-neutrality goal

Planting trees, managing plastic waste helping this Kerala village to become carbon-neutral

News: Meenagnadi village panchayat, Wayanad, Kerala has taken initiative to become a carbon-neutral village Facts:  Carbon-neutral Meenangadi project: Started in 2016, it involves afforestation programs, recycling of plastic waste, providing lower-emission cooking stoves. Sustainable Action for Climate Resilient Development in Majuli’ (SACReD, Majuli): it was launched by Assam government in 2016. It seeks to make… Continue reading Planting trees, managing plastic waste helping this Kerala village to become carbon-neutral
