Seize the initiative on climate change, Mr Modi

Source: Business Standard Relevance: India’s fight against the climate crisis Synopsis: Though, not caused by us, climate change induced by the historical emissions made by developed countries, is the stark reality. India should prepare its roadmap for COP 26 Glasgow summit and secure an adequately financed deal for the developing world. Climate change, is thus,… Continue reading Seize the initiative on climate change, Mr Modi

The climate emergency is real for India (On IPCC Report)

Source: Business Standard Relevance: Fighting climate change in light of new revelations made by the IPCC report. Synopsis: Climate change-induced extreme weather events are already happening, and some have started to happen. India needs to adapt to this reality. Detailing few such events in India and steps that can be taken at policy level. Context… Continue reading The climate emergency is real for India (On IPCC Report)
