Citizen scorecards for better accountability

Synopsis: The CAG’s auditing standards highlight the importance of performance audits for promoting transparency and evaluating outcomes. Contents1 Introduction2 What is the Public accounts Committee (PAC)?3 What is the work of PAC?4 What are the citizen scorecards?5 How can the scorecards be made?6 How these scorecards will prove beneficial? Introduction Soon, Parliament is going to… Continue reading Citizen scorecards for better accountability

Parliament is abdicating its oversight role

Source: The Hindu, TOI Relevance: The article signifies how the frequent disruptions lead to improper functioning of the house The recent session of Parliament: This session has ended abruptly, and before its scheduled date. This is the 4th straight session that ended ahead of its original schedule, other than the cancelled winter 2020 session. This led… Continue reading Parliament is abdicating its oversight role

Setting new house rules

Source: Indian Express  Contents1 Synopsis:2 Background:3 Reasons behind disorderly conduct by MPs:4 Steps to ensure disciplinary conduct:5 Why are such steps not duly implemented?6 Suggestions: Synopsis: The legislative body’s role must be strengthened and deepened so that disruption of proceedings ceases to be an option. Background: Disruption is replacing discussion as the foundation of our… Continue reading Setting new house rules
