Source: The post new changes in India’s competition law has been created, based on the article “Competition penalties going by global turnover call for a rethink” published in “Live mints” on 17th April 2024. UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper2- governance–regulatory bodies News: The article discusses recent updates to India‘s competition law, including new regulations on… Continue reading New changes in India’s competition law: Competition penalties going by global turnover call for a rethink
Tag: regulatory bodies
[Answered] Highlight the desirability of constitutional status to regulatory authorities in India to ensure good governance.
Introduction: Explain what are regulatory bodies. Body: Write the challenges faced by regulatory bodies. Write how constitutional status would address those challenges. Conclusion: Give a way forward. Regulatory authorities are governmental bodies established by the government in order to set standards in a specific field of activity, or operations and then to enforce those standards. They are responsible… Continue reading [Answered] Highlight the desirability of constitutional status to regulatory authorities in India to ensure good governance.