Think local climate action, think Meenangadi
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Source: The post is based on the articleThink local climate action, think Meenangadipublished in The Hindu on 23rd November.

What is the News?

If India has to achieve the set of goals enunciated in the ‘Panchamrit’ resolution of the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow 2021, Panchayati raj institutions must play a pivotal role in tackling many of the causes and effects of climate change.

What are some of the initiatives taken by Panchayati Raj Institutions to tackle climate change?
Meenangadi Gram Panchayat in Kerala’s Wayanad district

In 2016, the Meenangadi panchayat envisaged a project called ‘Carbon neutral Meenangadi’. The aim was to transform Meenangadi into a state of carbon neutrality.

Actions taken under the project: An action plan was prepared by organizing gram sabha meetings. The entire community was involved in the process, with school students, youth, and technical and academic institutions given different assignments

– Socio-economic surveys and energy-use mapping were also carried out.

– Awareness programme through campaigns, classes and studies

– A greenhouse gas emission inventory was prepared.

– ‘Tree banking’ was one of the landmark schemes introduced to aid carbon-neutral activities which encouraged the planting of more trees by extending interest-free loans.

– Local economic development was another thrust area where LED bulb manufacturing and related micro-enterprises were initiated.

Palli gram panchayat in Jammu and Kashmir

It followed the same people-centric model with specific local activities such as: 

– The panchayat has prepared a climate-resilient plan where villagers have been made aware of climate change Mitigation factors

– Bio-gas plants and solar panels were also introduced.A solar plant (500KW) has also been installed to power 340 households.

Other Initiatives

In Seechewal gram panchayat, the Kali Bein River was rejuvenated with people’s involvement.

Tikekarwadi gram panchayat in Maharashtra is well known for its extensive use of biogas plants and green energy production.

Chapparapadavu gram panchayat in Kerala has several green islands that have been nurtured by the community.

What are the steps taken by the Ministry of Panchayat Raj to fight against Climate Change?

Clean and Green Village Theme: Ministry of Panchayati Raj has focused its attention on localizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on a thematic basis.

– ‘Clean and Green Village’ is one of the themes under it. Under this theme, panchayats can take up activities on natural resource management, biodiversity protection, waste management and afforestation activities.

– Over 1 lakh gram panchayats have prioritized ‘Clean & Green Village’ as one of their focus areas for 2022-23.

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