This Word Means: Constructive Vote Of No-confidence

ForumIAS announcing GS Foundation Program for UPSC CSE 2025-26 from 26th June. Click Here for more information.

  1. In the debate over simultaneous elections,one question being raised is what happens to the common cycle if any one of these simultaneously elected legislatures is brought down by a no-confidence motion.
  2. The ruling BJD in Odisha has proposed constructive vote of no-confidence as a solution.It is followed in Germany.This was also recommended by the Law Commission of India in a 2018 draft report.
  3. Under the Constitution of Germany,Bundestag (Parliament) can remove a chancellor only when it simultaneously agrees on a successor.
  4. This legislative mechanism ensures both an orderly transfer of power and an initial parliamentary majority in support of the new chancellor.
  5. This also makes it harder to remove a chancellor because opponents of the chancellor not only must disagree with his or her governing but also must agree on a replacement.
  6. The underlying premise is that there is a fixed five-year-tenure for the parliament and that there will be a government no matter what.

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