[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #188 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, public administration Optional, cricket Hobby
Red Book
Red Book

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Date of Interview: May 2 April , forenoon session
Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas sir
Optional: public administration
Background: BCom Hons
College– srcc
Hobbies:  kinesics, cricket

Experience- pleasant . Board members coordinated and helped me to arrive at answers. Very cooperative people. Duration: 28-30 minutes


  1. how do you feel sitting here?
  2. How has indian economy recovered after 2 years of pandemic.
  3. What is growth projection of indian economy
  4. What is growth projection of other countries, world economy and its impact on India’s growth
  5. What is twin balance sheet problem
  6. What is 4 balance sheet problem

Member 1

  1. Some areas of country receives high rainfall and some suffer from drought. How to deal with problems
  2. River interlinking is costly. Tell me other solutions
  3. Can’t recall other questions

Member 2

  1. What did george Barnard shaw said on cricket
  2. Define bureaucracy.
  3. What are characteristics of bureaucracy in monarchy and democracy
  4. How is googly bowled. How is chinaman bowled. How are they different.
  5. Define artificial intelligence

Member 3

  1. Soft power diplomacy
  2. How is yoga helping in soft power
  3. When was first international yoga day celebrated.
  4. What is meaning of word yoga
  5. Free movement regime with which countries?
  6. Does Nepal’s free movement regime has any challenges or benefits for india.

Member 4

  1. What has pandemic taught us?
  2. How to make healthcare robust in India
  3. What is resilient healthcare system
  4. Preventive healthcare vs promotive healthcare
  5. How to make health care resilient
  6. If u are sdm in your district. Which first step will you take for the people.

Chairman: what is air quality index of delhi today? I said I’m sorry dont know.
Your interview is over. I said namaste and thank you
Experience of mocks- it helped me to develop an approach to answer questions which was useful. Some questions were repeated.

(This transcript has been posted by a community member of ForumIAS)

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