UPSC Mains Answer Writing Practice Booklet: Pragati Notebooks – Spiral and Detachable sheets Click Here to know more and order
Date of Interview: 28 April 2022
Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas
Optional: History
Home State: Delhi
Background: Civil Engg, MDU, Rohtak
Hobby: playing cricket
- To view all IAS Interview Transcripts 2021, visit this page
I entered and greeted the board. Chairman asked me to sit . no intro asked or opening remarks. First one to go in afternoon session
- -what is UAV ?
- – difference between UAV and drone ?
- – application of drones in civil engg
- – applications of drones in administration
- Few more questions that i dont remember from chairman
Member 1
- – chipko movement? What was it ? Who led it ? What happened exactly in delhi similar to chipko movement ?
- – issue of encroachment and slums in delhi ? Causes and solutions?
- – how are trees taken care of while doing any construction in delhi ? There is a specific technique apart from transplantation.. What is it ?
- – which section is ur favorite in history.? one famous personality from history? Why?
- – personality from modern history famous for work towards environment? What exactly was done ?
- – what were you doing exactly after graduation ? A few follow ups on each question . few more questions that i dont remember .
Member 2
- -Space weaponisation? Which country is/are trying ? Are they allowed ?
- -Facial recognition technology? Applications in administration? How to balance right to privacy with it?
- Few follow ups on each
Member 3
- -Purpose of showing tanks,missiles , ammunitions on republic day? Should we do this or not and why ?
- I said yes.
- Follow up questions on same like why should we show imported items too.?
- – which places in delhi u haven’t visited ? Few follow ups(most detailed part of this members discussion)
- – impressive female personality from history ? I told from modern.. He said go back about 800 yrs ..
Member 4
- – various dance forms and some questions related to intricacies of dance forms that i dont remember.
- – Farm bills were rolled back? Why? Folow ups
- -What you would have done to gain support of farming community if u were a DM of a remote village ?
- – questions about a gap in my schooling.. Follow ups..
- – questions about my father’s profession but stopped in between.. May be the time issue ..
Chairman said thank you .. U can go .
Cordial interview
Most members were smiling
Didnt feel like any grilling
Less based on knowledge and more on opinion based analysis
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(This transcript has been posted by a community member of ForumIAS)
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