[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #233 : Smita Nagraj Board, Rajasthan Home State, Mathematics Optional, Watching Env doc, football Hobbies

ForumIAS announcing GS Foundation Program for UPSC CSE 2025-26 from 26th June. Click Here for more information.

Board: Smita Nagraj 
Home State:
Background: Electrical engineering
Optional: Mathematics
Hobbies: Watching Env doc, football

  1. Tell something about aspirational districts of Rajasthan.
  2. What are the parameters on the basis of which these districts have been classified as aspirational.
  3. What’s the progress on these indicators after inclusion into the program.
  4. Few more qsn related to same topic.
  5. Is literacy directly correlated with development.

Member 1

  1. Why maths is considered as tough subject.
  2. What’s the status of digitalisation in govt depts.
  3. What are the challanges in digitalisation.
  4. Which organisation certifies electrical appliances in India and globally.
  5. We have so many schemes launched by center as well as states, how will you, as a dm, implement all of them ?

Member 2

  1. What’s the status of sariska tiger reserve, how govt has rehabilitated tiger population in the park.( Home district)
  2. What is the status of border road infrastructure in northern Border areas.

Member 3

  1. Can we achieve sdg by 2030?
  2. Whats the status of net zero target, can we achieve it by 2070?
  3. What are eco clubs?
  4. What’s the renewable energy target and present status?

Member 4

  1. Which documentary did you watch recently.
  2. Is India doing enough for environment?
  3. Why we are not giving preference to environment?
  4. How development threatens environment, explain in layman terms.
  5. Few more qsns on environment

Might have missed a few questions, as it felt more like a conversation,  board was as usual extremely cordial, they were continuously nodding and encouraging.

Most of the inv was environment centric, maybe due to hobby.

M4 wanted to ask more questions but Smita mam stopped her as they were running short on time.


(This transcript has been posted by a community member of ForumIAS)
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