[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #24 : Bharat Bhushan Vyas Board, Economics Optional,

ForumIAS announcing GS Foundation Program for UPSC CSE 2025-26 from 26th June. Click Here for more information.

Board: Bharat Bhushan Vyas
Optional: Economics
Hobby: Writing Hindi Couplets and Following Cricket
Background: MA Economics


  1. View on one border one force
  2. Challenges in border guarding
  3. Technologies that we can use in border guarding
  4. smart fencing

Member 1

  1. When & where first radio broadcast
  2. When printing press came to india
  3. Your couplet writing style is similar to whom Kabir, mira, Bihari
  4. Compare urself with above poets
  5. Whom do u read, name the writers
  6. Why poetry more famous than prose
  7. How poetry captures the prevalent situation
  8. Poet seems to be in anguish(in the verse that I had recited). Why?
  9. Why Bangladeshi immigrants come to India? How can we stop them ?

Member 2

  1. What are the qualities that I have as Commando and what qualities will prove to be useful as a civil servant?
  2. Elements of Good governance?
  3. How Bangladesh improved HDI score?
  4. Why can we not have FTA with China nd resolve border dispute?

Member 3

  1. Something special that Sikkim have done in last 5 yrs?
  2. Organic farming in Sikkim vs Sri lanka
  3. Are women more empowered in Sikkim?
  4. Does Swaccha Bharat Mission ends at ODF or there is more to it?

Member 4

  1. What are learnings post 26/11?
  2. What is kamikara?
  3. What are drone regulations?
  4. Methods of killing drones?
  5. What was PL 480? Bank nationalisation nd recent de nationalisation? nd it’s success?

(This transcript has been posted by a community member of ForumIAS)
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