[UPSC Interview 2021] – Transcript #242 : TCA Anant Board, PSIR Optional, Rajasthan Home State, cycling Hobby

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Date of Interview: 09/05/2022 forenoon
TCA Anant
Optional: PSIR
Home State: Rajasthan
Background: Jaipur -B.Sc ; masters in pol science from DU ( Ramjas College)
Hobbies: cycling, exploring new places and writing on contemporary International issues

Experience – cordial no cross questioning, smiling but middle of questions expression less

Utility of mocks – boosting confidence and articulation power. DRISHTI – poor level of questions ; unacademy was good, Byjus was worst especially “PP” affected confidence severely he scolded my soul out of my body, Sri ram ias food advices, vajiram great….Frank rausen Pereira was supportive….good advices….one to one with Ravindran sir was most benificial


  1. Read out my daf, asked what you have written on international relations,
  2. Told about my article on bharata first news letter – some questions on that, kautilya came up in international relations
  3. Exploring new places – where do you like to explore mountains costs et
  4. In delhi – separate road lane is being constructed, for urban mass transportation, what is its utility and why not popular in public

Pass on to the mam M.1

Member 1

  1. What is your favourite subject in B.Sc
  2. What are your views on pakistan and Sri Lanka crisis- what India needs to do.

Not able to recall questions

Member 2

  1. You went to kerala- what is unique thing which make Kerala tourism unique and successful?
  2. National park in Kerala?
  3. What needs to be done to promote international tourism in India

Member 3

  1. questions on Pakistan- do India need to enagage with army
  2. Challenges rajasthan faces being border state
  3. Not able to recall more
  4. Elements of kautilya’s arthshastra in present foreign policy

Member 4

  1. India not favourable to cycling why?
  2. What needs to be done?
  3. Some property related question, answered it but not satisfied

Not able to recall other questions

Overall it went nice…answered all questions, butnot able to evaluate how it went… because of silent faces. Seems too fast…..too quick to call it as an experience….mainly daf based…no current issues

(This transcript has been posted by a community member of ForumIAS)
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