[UPSC Interview 2022] – Transcript #324 : M Sathiyavathy Board, PSIR Optional, Uttar Pradesh Home State

ForumIAS announcing GS Foundation Program for UPSC CSE 2025-26 from 26th June. Click Here for more information.

Date of Interview: 2nd May, Forenoon
Board: M Sathiyavathy Mam
Optional: PSIR
College: IIT Hyderabad (Civil Engineering
Home State: Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh
Hobbies: Cooking  (that’s only asked)


  1. Cooking
  2. East up cuisine
  3. What u cook
  4. For whom u cook? In hostel?
  5. Azamgarh famous for?
  6. Black clay pottery Features?
  7. ODOP how it promotes export?
  8. How it benefit local community?

Member 1

  1. Do u think there is culture of impunity in Uttar Pradesh? judiciary role?
  2. How judicial delay can be solved?
  3. Role of technology?
  4. DNA fingerprinting?

Member 2

  1. How world can agree to act against climate change?
  2. Sri Lanka’s importance for India
  3. You are good at cooking, how good you are at cooking stories (with a smile)?
    (Can’t recall all Q’s.)

Member 3

  1. Purvanchal separate state, status and future?
  2. Why it shouldn’t be done?
  3. Problems in Real Estate and Infrastructure in India.
  4. How can be solved?

Member 4

  1. Political leaders in UP using harsh language in Assembly and in public. Your view.
  2. What’s the reason.
  3. What is green building?
  4. give me an example. How that building is green.
  5. Your service preference?

Your experience in interview-
Mam had started walking inside the room after asking questions.
Other members going to washroom. Tried avoiding being nervous.
Utility of mocks or O2O (if any)-KSG, NextIAS, Vajirao & Reddy
One to one with Khan sir and Ravindran sir (both compulsory).

(This transcript has been posted by a community member of ForumIAS)
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