Mains Guidance Program (MGP) for UPSC CSE 2026, Cohort-1 starts 11th February 2025. Registrations Open Click Here to know more and registration.
Interview Date: 28th Feb, morning session
Board: Manoj Soni
Optional: Philosophy
Background: Mechanical Engineering
Home State: Jharkhand
Already in service: CSE 2018 _135_IPS
- Hello Alok, so are you in training or leave?
- So, are you not satisfied with IPS?
- Career progression, dynamism, groundwork, scope, are bookish terms, tell me something that is real?
- And power and prestige? That isnt the case ?
- You know that ias has greater prestige and power, so why dont you accept that?
- You are saying to your interview board that you have not experienced it ?Are you sure?
- You are already an IPS. You must have read about power differences. Why cant you accept it that ias is more powerful and prestigious?
- A person should learn from his mistakes as well as from mistakes of others. Do you agree?
- Some more questions related to police.
Member 1
- What is the difference between gi and patent?
- So the concept is same or different?
- How is it different?
- Why wages of women are less compared to men in a district. Does equal pay for equal work not apply to this? Have you seen a wage list?
- What would you do to empower women and ensure they get the same wage?
- Why philosophy after Mechanical engineering?
- Who is J Krishnamurthy?
- Do you know Gandhi’s favourite bhajan?
Member 2
- Asked about 3 unheard names of philosophers. What have you read in philosophy?
- These are all part of the syllabus? Anything else.
- What are three threats to the security of India? Arrange them in order.
- Why Lwe exists there in Jharkhand?
- What is an aspirational district programme? What is the benefit? What does govt do?
- Is police corrupt?
- Have you ever gone to a police station to file a complaint?
- What is people perception of police?
- How will you improve as sp?
- What is community policing? How is it effective?
Member 3
- What is moral dilemma?
- Explain it with an example .
- Don’t you think when you leave ips for ias you face such a dilemma ?
- Justify your action of leaving IPS for iaIAS.
- Which cadre did you get? Which choice it was?
- Why Gujarat?
- What did your seniors say?
- But you want to become an IAS? So why think of commiserate system. How is it better? Will, it solves the issue of the tussle of power?
- Any negatives about Gujarat cadre?
- Tell me at least one. Kept on insisting
- Is our patent regime good?
Member 4
- What is provisional patenting?
- Are provisional applications allowed?
- Is there a legal provision to that?
- What sort of applications did you work on?
- Your hobby is watching ted-ed. What was the latest video you watched?
- Questions on the video 3-4 questions on vaccination of smallpox(video)
Chairman Thank you. Your interview is over.
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