[UPSC Interview Transcript #98]: BS. Bassi Board, Karnataka Home State, Political Science Optional, Reading & box fit Hobbies
Red Book
Red Book

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Contributed by ForumIAS community member
Board: BS. Bassi
Optional: Political Science
Home State: Karnataka
Hobbies: reading and box fit
Background: Political Science Hons and conflict transformation and peacebuilding


  1. Good afternoon Shreya- we are having our tea and you are also welcome to have pakora with us[1]said no sir thankyou
  2. So you’ve done political science from Kamala Nehru- tell me about Kamala Nehru-
  3. Oh beta you’ve prepared this hahahahaha (I nodded and replies yes sir- he laughed)
  4. Who’s this gentleman on the picture- pres kovind: gave some general idea
  5. You don’t know much more?
  6. Okay, what is boxfit? (Hobby) You fit in a box hahaha- I gave the general idea- bassi sir did some back and forth about ability to beat people up

Member 2

  1. what is this conflict transformation course? What did you learn?
  2. How can you transform a conflict
  3. What do you know about sedition
  4. How should the state navigate cases of sedition
  5. Tell me about the Karnataka case SC judgments
  6. What do you know about the Indian navy? (Fumbled Here on)
  7. Tell me about different kinds of ships of the navy and their differences
  8. Some more questions I can’t remember

Member 3

  1. You’ve done political science, tell me about Plato
  2. Tell me about the republic
  3. What is the idea behind philosopher king
  4. Is India a patriarchal country?
  5. No no, don’t tell me in general- tell me about your experience
  6. India’s ranknon GII
  7. What books have you read recently
  8. Medical termination of pregnancy bill?
  9. What do you understand by Human rights

Member 4

  1. Reason for conflict in the Middle East
  2. Problems between Iran, Saudi and turkey
  3. Problems that Europe faces as a continent
  4. Some more IR related questions I can’t remember

Member 5

  1. You had engineering drawing in 12th, tell me about a few objects that are similar from all sides or something around that- couldn’t answer well: said I don’t know
  2. State that has been bifurcated into two recently?
  3. What are its capitals?
  4. Tell me what you know about shillings (this caught me off guard) couldn’t place properly so said I don’t know
  5. Okay, beta your interview is done. Is this your photo?: replied yes sir
  6. You didn’t have your pakora? Have it later.
  7. The board was cordial and nice. The lady member looked happy except my answer on Human rights was a little twisted to which she nodded in a disagreeing way.
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