Wages of vigilantism
Red Book
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Wages of vigilantism


  1. Zoya Hasan, Professor , JNU, discusses how episodes of mass communal violence shifted towards small scale attacks against individuals.

Important Analysis:

2. The incidents of lynching and targeted mob violence against vulnerable groups reported from various parts of the Country.

What is mob lynching?

  • Mob Lynching means killing of someone by a mob for an alleged offence without following any principles of jurisprudence or due process of law.
  • A lynching is a majority way of telling a minority population that the law cannot protect it.
  • Lynching served the broad social purpose of maintaining superiority in economic, social, cultural and political sphere.
  • Lynchings are encouraged by the atmosphere of hate and suspicion created through sustained propaganda.
  • According to India Spend, a data-journalism website, 86% people were killed in lynching incidents in 2017.

3. The incidences of hate violence are not new to the country.

4.These incidences were happened in the past also during festival seasons like Ram Navami(Bihar and West Bengal), Provocations over Azaan and namaz(Gurugram) and violence against those looking overtly Muslims(U.P, and Haryana).

5. The epicenter of these incidence mostly includes states like U.P.,M.P, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Haryana, Gujarat and West Bengal.

6. Citizens Against Hate (CAH), a civil society group investigation and seeking to provide legal help to victims of hate crimes, has reported 50 lynching related deaths.

7.According to CAH report, ‘ Lynching Without End’, published in 2017, 97% of cow-related lynching’s had occurred since BJP come to power.

8.The South Asia has a long history of communal violence, but this has now shifted to a smaller-scale of conflict and vigilante violence against individuals.

9.Reasons for this major shift are given below:

  • State inaction.
  • Avoid public scrutiny that accompanies mass violence.
  • India has a poor record in prevention and punishment of the perpetrators of mass violence or lynching’s.
  • Political reasons.
  • Intensification of communal polarization .
  • Lack of justice to victims further reinforces the vicious cycle of impunity.

10.Impacts of these incidents are many such as:

  • Threaten to democracy and social fabric of the country.
  • Widened the divide between Hindus and Muslims.


  • Preventing further atrocities requires respect for rule of law.
  • Legal institutions and strong prosecutions.
  • Expeditious punishments to accused persons
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