Bangladesh’s Development Model

Source-This post on Bangladesh’s Development Model has been created based on the article “What microfinance can teach economists” published in “Business Standard” on 31 August 2024. UPSC Syllabus-GS Paper-2- the Role of NGOs, SHGs, various groups and associations, donors, charities, institutional and other stakeholders. Context– Muhammad Yunus, the Nobel Prize-winning microfinance expert, recently called economics… Continue reading Bangladesh’s Development Model

Mismatch between India’s GDP growth and employment growth

Source: The post mismatch between India’s GDP growth and employment growth has been created, based on the article “How to deal with the country’s growth-employment paradox” published in “Live Mint” on 30th August 2024 UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper 3 – Indian Economy – Employment Context: The article discusses India’s economic growth and the mismatch… Continue reading Mismatch between India’s GDP growth and employment growth

“Right to Disconnect” law Introduced in Australia

Source: The post Australia has introduced the “Right to Disconnect” law has been created, based on the article “The right to log off from work: Is it a good idea?” published in “Live Mint” on 30th August 2024 UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper 3- Economy-employment And GS paper 2- Governance-Government policies and interventions for development… Continue reading “Right to Disconnect” law Introduced in Australia

Need to raise India’s tax-to-GDP ratio

Source: The post there is a need to raise India’s tax-to-GDP ratio has been created, based on the article “Tax reform dilemmas” published in “Business Standard” on 30th August 2024 UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper 3- Economy- mobilization of resources Context: The article discusses the need to raise India’s tax-to-GDP ratio for economic growth. It… Continue reading Need to raise India’s tax-to-GDP ratio

Supreme Court of India’s actions against misleading advertisements

Source: The post Supreme Court of India’s actions against misleading advertisements has been created, based on the article “By another name: Courts should act against fake medicine, not just control advertising” published in “The Hindu” on 30th August 2024 UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper2- Governance-Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to… Continue reading Supreme Court of India’s actions against misleading advertisements

Women Safety in India’s Aviation Industry

Source-This post on Women Safety in India’s Aviation Industry has been by merging the articles “Women-only airline seats won’t solve problem of male misbehaviour  and What’s wrong if women want to escape Mr Space Hog on a flight? Published in “The Indian Express” on 30 August 2024. UPSC Syllabus-GS Paper-2- Mechanisms, Laws, Institutions and Bodies… Continue reading Women Safety in India’s Aviation Industry

Women-Led Development and Budget Allocations

Source-This post on Women-Led Development and Budget Allocations has been created based on the article “Analysing the Gender Budget of 2024-25″ published in “The Hindu” on 30 August 2024. UPSC Syllabus-GS Paper 3- Government Budgeting. Context– This year’s Budget emphasizes women-led development with increased funding for women-focused programs. The Gender Budget Statement (GBS) for 2024-25… Continue reading Women-Led Development and Budget Allocations

Issues with State Election Commissions (SECs)

Source-This post on Issues with State Election Commissions (SECs) has been created based on the article “Moving the spotlight to grassroots democracy” published in “The Hindu” on 30 August 2024. UPSC Syllabus-GS Paper-2- Appointment to various Constitutional Posts, Powers, Functions and Responsibilities of various Constitutional Bodies. Context– SECs were created by Articles 243K and 243ZA… Continue reading Issues with State Election Commissions (SECs)

BioE3 Policy Initiative

Source-This post on BioE3 Policy Initiative has been created based on the article “Biotech enigma” published in “The Hindu” on 30 August 2024. UPSC Syllabus-GS Paper 3 – Science and technology – Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, Robotics, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology Context– The Cabinet has approved the BioE3 or Biotechnology for Economy, Environment… Continue reading BioE3 Policy Initiative

India’s Potential Role in Russia-Ukraine Conflict Mediation

Source-This post on India’s Potential Role in Russia-Ukraine Conflict Mediation has been created based on the article “War and peace – India is not well-placed to broker a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine” published in “The Hindu” on 29 August 2024. UPSC Syllabus-GS Paper-2- Bilateral, Regional and Global Groupings and Agreements involving India and/or affecting… Continue reading India’s Potential Role in Russia-Ukraine Conflict Mediation
