Reforming Agriculture sector through FPOs

Synopsis – the present market structure is not favorable for marginal farmers, the government should use the model of Farmers Producers Organisations (FPOs) for assisting farmers. Background A set of three laws passed in September aims to deregulate India’s enormous agriculture sector aimed at “liberating” farmers from the tyranny of middlemen. But many farmers fear that they… Continue reading Reforming Agriculture sector through FPOs

Importance of creating Resilient supply chains

Synopsis: The Covid-19 pandemic once again proved the importance of creating resilient supply chains that can survive the tough times.   Introduction  Creating supply chains that can withstand the disruptions is extremely important. Disruptions through the times is something inevitable as it can be manmade or natural. For example, The Tahoka Earthquake of 2011, followed by the Tsunami, led to a nuclear disaster caused a… Continue reading Importance of creating Resilient supply chains

What are the implications of Emigration of India’s brightest youth?

Synopsis: recent trends that suggests increasing emigration of brightest youth from India, have implications for India. Background Even after the renewed calls from the PM Narendra Modi for an Atmanirbhar Bharat, emigration of India’s best and brightest has not stopped. Recent findings by Indian Express have shown that, during the two decades of 1996-2015 the toppers (i.e.,… Continue reading What are the implications of Emigration of India’s brightest youth?

Policymakers must promote research under NEP

Synopsis – The policymakers that finetuned the NEP and give shape to Atmanirbhar Bharat, must also nurture institutional frameworks that enable research.   Background-  The NEP also fosters creativity, developing employability and inviting foreign institutions to set up campuses in India. We are working to make India a “knowledge economy” in the 21st century and the National Education Policy (NEP) will also tackle the issues of… Continue reading Policymakers must promote research under NEP

India’s system of bail and personal liberty

Synopsis– India’s bail system is facing in urgent need of reforms.  The refusal to grant of bail violates right to liberty of individuals undergoing criminal prosecution by confining them in jails without trial and conviction.   What is bail?  The bail is the security given by the defendant, it acts like a surety or guarantee for the defendant to… Continue reading India’s system of bail and personal liberty

Need for Gated globalization in India

Synopsis: Post pandemic era will be giving rise to new world order and create uncertainties. India should use a “Gated Globalisation” framework to handle this change.  Introduction  The 3rd decade of the 21st century will witness a multipolar world and the rise of this New World Order will be driven by reliability of partners, national interest, and economic factors.  New developments are being witnessed with the development of… Continue reading Need for Gated globalization in India

What is 5G warfare of China?

Synopsis:  China is preparing to dominate the world by rolling out its 5G technology warfare across countries, India needs to fast the pace of its 5G implementation to contain the digital threat of China.  What is 5G warfare?  5G technology will enable IOT (Internet of Things) and IOT is driven by data and Information.     It will aid the providing country with the power to access and control the data of individuals, groups or even nations.  Moreover,5G technologies are main… Continue reading What is 5G warfare of China?

What is Anglosphere? 

Synopsis: The Anglosphere is opposed as a colonial concept in India but colonial past should not be allowed to overpower India’s present strategic benefits.  What is Anglosphere?  An Anglosphere  is also called the world of English-speaking people bound by common political beliefs, similar legal traditions, and shared geopolitical interests.  The term was coined around late 19th century, when Britainwas facing the challenges to its empire from within and outside. A modest version of this idea… Continue reading What is Anglosphere? 

India and its Neighbourhood-Relations

India and its Neighbourhood-Relations:- Synopsis: The two-front challenge long ignored by India has become a reality, therefore there is an urgent need to develop both the doctrine and the capability to deal this threat.  Why India didn’t perceive the two-front challenge as a real possibility for long?  The collusive China-Pakistan military threat (i.e., China-Pakistan military are working in cooperation to contain India on the… Continue reading India and its Neighbourhood-Relations

Lack of fiscal support could stoke inequality

Context- India’s low level of fiscal spending could leave behind other problem and leads to inequality. India has stood out in three distinct ways. Firstly, India seems to have broken the link between rising levels of mobility and COVID-19 cases. As of now the fear of increased mobility around the festive season stoking cases has not… Continue reading Lack of fiscal support could stoke inequality
