Aspects of vaccine distribution

Context: Aspects of vaccine distribution. Background The World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the COVID-19 a pandemic in march 2020 and the most optimistic prediction for a vaccine to be available was by the middle of 2021. Now, the labs around the world are working faster than anticipated and the first vials of a vaccine are likely… Continue reading Aspects of vaccine distribution

Ayurveda and patient safety

Context: Efficacy of Ayurveda to incorporate surgical techniques. What are the requirements for conducting a successful surgery? Apprenticeship is the key: Surgery in the present era is an interdisciplinary effort. This is one branch of medicine where knowledge can only be acquired through apprenticeship that is, the learner needs to be guided by an expert A well-trained… Continue reading Ayurveda and patient safety

Vaccination policy

Context: India’s COVID-19 control plan of actions can be the basis for building a much-needed public health infrastructure. Contents1 How can vaccine help in eradicating a disease?2 What are the statuses of vaccine candidates in India?3 What can be done to tackle the issues?4 Way forward How can vaccine help in eradicating a disease? Preventive medicines: Vaccines… Continue reading Vaccination policy

Farmers Agitation

Context: Farmers Apprehensions about the new farm laws Background: Parliament passed three Farm Acts in September to reform the Agriculture sector. The reforms were aimed to make the agriculture sector more efficient and lucrative. However, it had the effect of upsetting large sections of farmers leading to agitation by more than 500 farmers’ unions. Most farmers… Continue reading Farmers Agitation

Paris Agreement goals are not enough

Context: The Paris Agreement fall short to keep global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius. What are the different conventions, declarations related to environment conservation? Stockholm Convention– Objective – It is a global treaty to protect human health and the environment from Persistent Organic Pollutants. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – Signed in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment… Continue reading Paris Agreement goals are not enough

Biden’s nominations for key national security posts

Context: Biden’s nominations for key national security posts reflect on the reliance of Obama-era liberal internationalists. Background Biden wants to rescue the U.S. foreign policy after Donald Trump’s ‘America First’ conduct. He wants Washington to reassume the role of a steward on global governance issues, lead in the advocacy of democratic values and human rights, and… Continue reading Biden’s nominations for key national security posts

India’s digital strike

Context- The government of India has blocked 43 new Chinese app which are prejudicial to sovereignty and Integrity of India, defence of India, security of state and public order. Why Indian Government ban these apps? Defence and security concern– These apps are involved in activities against India’s sovereignty, integrity, defense, security and law and order. Data Privacy Issue – The Ministry of Electronics and… Continue reading India’s digital strike

Women in science

Context: The new Science, Technology and Innovation Policy is currently being drafted by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) More on news:  Its aim will be to increase the participation of women in science. The DST will incorporate a system of grading institutes depending on the enrolment of women and the advancement of the careers of women… Continue reading Women in science

Supreme Court on Protecting Rights of People

News: The Supreme Court has pronounced its reasons for granting interim bail to Republic TV editor-in-chief Arnab Goswami in connection with the abetment of suicide case against him. Facts: Key Takeaways from the Judgement: Protect Personal Liberty: The Supreme Court called on judges to protect personal liberty and the right of ordinary people to bail saying liberty… Continue reading Supreme Court on Protecting Rights of People

Social registry, for better targeting of welfare schemes

Context: A social registry linking Aadhaar to residence info can target aid to the vulnerable during a pandemic. Contents1 What is the need for Social registry?2 India’s Case:3 What can we learn from these observations?4 What is the way forward? What is the need for Social registry? Recent estimates from the World Bank suggest that 88… Continue reading Social registry, for better targeting of welfare schemes
