CSIR-CMERI Indigenously Developed “Oxygen Enrichment Technology”
Red Book
Red Book

ForumIAS announcing GS Foundation Program for UPSC CSE 2025-26 from 10th August. Click Here for more information.

What is the News?

CSIR-CMERI in association with MSME-DI has indigenously developed Oxygen Enrichment Technology.

About Oxygen Enrichment Technology:
  • It is a device that concentrates the oxygen from the air around us by selectively removing nitrogen to supply oxygen-enriched air.
  • The concentrated Oxygen is delivered to the patients, having respiratory diseases, through an oxygen mask or nasal cannula.
  • Uses:
    • The device can be used in remote places, homes, or hospital-like facilities for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), chronic hypoxemia and pulmonary edema.
    • It may be used as an adjunct treatment for severe sleep apnea.
Key Features of the Oxygen Enrichment technology developed by CSIR-CMERI:
  • Firstly, the unit works on the principle of Pressure Swing Adsorption(PSA). It utilizes Zeolite Columns to selectively remove nitrogen from air under certain pressure thereby increasing the Oxygen Concentration.
  • Secondly, the unit is capable of delivering medical air in the range of up to 15 Litres Per Minute(LPM) with oxygen purity of more than 90%. If required, this unit can even deliver up to 70 LPM at a purity of around 30%. It is way better in comparison to other commercially available devices.
  • Thirdly, the commercially available Oxygen Enrichment Units generally work till 8000 ft from sea level. However, this unit can work up to the altitude of 14000 ft. Therefore, it makes it very handy for the usage at high altitude terrain battlefield in contingencies.

Note: Pressure swing adsorption(PSA) is the process by which atmospheric air passes through an internal filtration system (e.g. a molecular sieve [zeolite granules or membranes]). This system has a large enough total surface area to separate nitrogen(N2) from the air concentrating the remaining oxygen (O2) to a known purity.

Source: PIB


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