Real-time Train Information System(RTIS)

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News:Recently,500 passenger locomotives of the South Central Railway (SCR) have been fitted with the newly developed Real-time Train Information System (RTIS).


About Real-time Train Information System(RTIS):

  • The system has been developed by the Centre for Railway Information Systems(CIRE) with the help of ISRO-Airports Authority of India’s GAGAN-Global Positioning System(GPS) aided geo-augmented navigation.
  • The system is aimed at automatic transmission of speed and movement of trains to the central control office for improving the train control functions.
  • The RTIS device uses GAGAN to transmit a signal to the control hubs. 

Significance of RTIS:

  • Passengers and freight customers will receive a more accurate information on train status when the train concerned is connected to a locomotive equipped with RTIS 
  • Low speed can be detected and intervention can be made to improve punctuality.
  • Locomotor can send emergency messages to the control room with the push of a button.
  • Unscheduled stoppages between the stations can be identified.

Additional information:

About GAGAN:

  • GPS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation(GAGAN) is a step by the Indian Government towards initial Satellite-based Navigation Services in India. 
  • It is a system to improve the accuracy of a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver by providing reference signals. 
  • The Airports Authority of India (AAI) and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) have collaborated to develop GAGAN as a regional Satellite Based Augmentation System(SBAS). 
  • GAGAN’s goal is to provide a navigation system to assist aircraft in accurate landing over the Indian airspace and in the adjoining area and applicable to safety-to-life civil operations.
  • GAGAN covers the area from Africa to Australia and has expansion capability for seamless navigation services across the region.
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