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News:Union Minister of Science & Technology, Earth Sciences, Health and Family Welfare has inaugurated the Mission Innovation(MI) Face to Face meeting of Innovation Challenges(IC).
About Mission innovation:
- Mission Innovation(MI) is a global initiative of 24 countries and the European Commission (on behalf of the European Union).
- The mission aims to accelerate public and private clean energy innovation to address climate change, make clean energy affordable to consumers and create green jobs and commercial opportunities.
- The mission was announced at the COP21 on November 30,2015 as world leaders came together in Paris,France to commit to ambitious efforts to combat climate change.
- India is a founding member of the Mission Innovation.
Goal of the mission:At the the 3rd MI Ministerial in 2018,the countries endorsed a number of key initiatives and activities to deliver the Action Plan by 2021.The initiatives are:
- Substantial boost in public sector investment
- Increased private sector engagement and investment
- Increasing international collaboration
- Raising awareness.