RBI Governor launches financial inclusion dashboard ‘Antardrishti’

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Source: The post is based on the article “RBI Governor launches financial inclusion dashboard ‘Antardrishti’” published in the Business Standard on 5th June 2023

What is the News?

RBI Governor has launched a financial inclusion dashboard named ‘Antardrishti’.

What is Antardrishti dashboard?


-To assess the current state of financial inclusion by analyzing key metrics and indicators,

-Enabling policymakers and stakeholders to identify areas that require attention and implement targeted interventions.

Application: The dashboard presently is intended for internal use in the RBI, it will further facilitate greater financial inclusion through a multi-stakeholder approach.


-It provides the necessary knowledge to evaluate and track the development of financial inclusion by recording relevant data.

-It will also make it possible to assess the degree of financial exclusion at a local level across the nation so that such places may be addressed.

What is financial inclusion?

Read here: Financial inclusion


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