PAU develops new wheat variety to keep diabetes, obesity in check

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Source: The post is based on the article “PAU develops new wheat variety to keep diabetes, obesity in check” published in Indian Express on 11th July 2023

What is the News?

The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) has developed a new variety of wheat called PBW RS1.

What is PBW RS1?

PBW RS1 is a new variety of wheat.

Developed by: Punjab Agricultural University (PAU)

Benefits: PBW RS1 has high amylose content and is resistant to starch. This ensures that glucose is released more slowly into the bloodstream. This can help in bringing down the prevalence of diet-related diseases including obesity and diabetes (especially type 2).

– Chapatis and biscuits from its flour taste just like normal wheat.

– It is also resistant to yellow rust and moderately resistant to brown rust fungal diseases.

Drawbacks: It has lower productivity compared to other wheat varieties of Punjab.

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