India’s G20 opportunity: Internet shutdowns hamper Digital India promise

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Source: The post is based on the article “India’s G20 opportunity: Internet shutdowns hamper Digital India promise – it’s time to commit to ending them” published in “The Indian express” on 9th September 2023.

Syllabus: GS2- International relation- Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests & GS3- Science and tech- Awareness in the fields of IT.

News: The article discusses India’s contradictory digital landscape. While India has a high number of internet users and leads in digital innovation, it also frequently shuts down the internet, affecting millions. As India hosts the G20 Summit, it should commit to consistent internet access, matching international digital rights standards.

How India’s digital progress contradictory?

India’s digital progress presents a picture of contradictions:

Impressive Rankings: India stands second in terms of active internet users and possesses the second-largest social media user base. This showcases the country’s rapid embrace of the digital age.

Internet Shutdowns: Contradicting its digital growth, India has imposed the most internet shutdowns globally for five consecutive years. In 2022 alone, the internet was shut down 84 times.

Cutting-Edge Technology: While India is advancing with efforts in 5G and even 6G prototypes, a significant portion of its population still uses outdated 2G technology.

Aadhaar Debates: The digital ID system, Aadhaar, is praised for its unique benefits. However, it has faced criticism for privacy concerns and connectivity issues, which sometimes prevent basic services like obtaining rations or making UPI payments.

What has the G20 discussed about digital inclusion?

Digital Public Infrastructure: The G20 DEWG led discussions on Digital Public Infrastructure, recognizing its importance in modern societies.

Digital Inclusion Priority: One of their primary areas of discussion was “Digital Inclusion — Connecting the Unconnected”, emphasizing the importance of bringing connectivity to all.

Inclusivity in Planning: The G20 DEWG document pushes for inclusivity to eliminate barriers. This aims for the empowerment of end-users and focuses on last-mile access.

Emphasis on Human Rights: The same document accentuates the need for a human rights-centric approach at every stage, from planning to operation.

How can India realign with global digital standards?

End Internet Shutdowns: With 84 shutdowns in 2022, India should reduce these to uphold consistent internet access and match international standards.

Honor International Commitments: India’s signing of the G7 “open societies” joint statement in 2021 against “politically motivated shutdowns” should be adhered to, removing any qualifiers.

Strengthen Digital Infrastructure: While India pushes for 5G and 6G, efforts should be made to upgrade the vast population still on 2G.

Address Aadhaar Concerns: Addressing criticisms of Aadhaar, especially concerning privacy and connectivity, will ensure better service delivery without interruptions.

Act on G20 DEWG Recommendations: India should implement the recommendations of the G20 DEWG, focusing on human rights, inclusivity, and consistent high-quality connectivity.


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