Modernizing land records in India
Red Book
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Modernizing land records in India


  1. Issues associated with Modernization of Land records in India.

Important Facts:

  1. Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRM) was started in 2008, to computerized land property registration process and digitalization of all land records in India.
  2. Main objective to this program was
  • To improve the quality of land records and make them more accessible
  • Move towards the guaranteed land titles (document which determines the land ownership).
  1. DILRM was implemented across all the states however the progress shown by different states are varying.
  2. About Nineteen states/UTs have started issuing digitally signed Records of Rights (RoR).
  • RoR is a record which show how the land ownership has been derived and transaction involved.
  1. States has also started linking RoRs with Cadastral Maps (records of area, ownership and value of property)
  2. However, there are some concern over DILRM:
  • It has not addressed the issue of land ownership.
  • Low percentage of computerized of land records (50 % of the state so far).
  • Data of RoR and Cadastral Maps are not updated in 21 % of village, though the data has been digitalised.
  • Only about 48 % of cadastral maps have been digitalised.
  1. Challenges leading to unclear land titles which guarantee land ownership.
  • System of registered sale deeds – allow only the registration of transaction not the title as per the Transfer of property Act 1882 and Registration Act 1908.
  • Data discrepancies – Since the land documentation data is maintained by different government department, they are not updated often.
  • High cost of Property Registration – People avoid registration to avoid payment for stamp duty.
  • Registration Act, 1908– Do not provide for mandatory registration such as transaction of acquisition of land by government and land on lease for less than a year.
  1. Due to all these issue the property ownership is not clearly reflected.
  2. Unclear land titles impede development such as:
  • Institutional credit and social benefits schemes do not reach to marginalized and small farmers.
  • Lack of transparency in Real Estate transaction cause disputes.
  • Risk involved in infrastructure built on unclear land.
  1.   For State to provide guaranteed title and compensation require:
  • Reforms in land registration governing laws
  • System of registered property titles to server primary ownership of evidence.
  • To ensure all land ownership related transaction is updated.
  • Data consolidation which is currently spread among different departments.
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