Change and continuity in India’s Palestine policy

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Source: This post has been created, based on the article “Change and continuity in India’s Palestine policy” published in “The Hindu” on 2nd March 2024.

UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper 2– International Relations-Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests

News: The article discusses how India’s policy towards Palestine has evolved. Initially opposing Israel’s creation, India now balances supporting Palestine with strong ties to Israel. Despite recent events like the October 7 Hamas attack and voting patterns at the UN, India still advocates for a two-state solution and condemns violence. This shows a continued commitment to Palestine while maintaining its relationship with Israel.

How has India’s Palestine policy evolved over the years?

From 1947 to 1992:

India opposed the 1947 UN partition plan of Palestine and voted against creating Israel.

Prime Minister Nehru compared Zionist settlers to the Muslim League in undivided India.

In 1950, India recognized Israel but didn’t establish full diplomatic relations.

Throughout the Cold War, India was a strong advocate for Palestine, supporting a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

From 1992 to October 7, 2023:

India established full diplomatic relations with Israel in 1992.

Despite growing ties with Israel, India continued supporting a two-state solution and a sovereign Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

India’s policy included backing international initiatives like the Arab Peace Initiative and the Quartet Road map.

Post October 7, 2023:

After the October 7 Hamas attack, India’s stance appeared to shift, showing solidarity with Israel.

However, India’s voting at the UN still supported Palestinian rights and opposed Israeli settlements.

India balanced its historical support for Palestine with its strategic partnership with Israel.

For more information on India’s position on the Israel-Palestine Conflict read here

Why is supporting Palestine important for India?

Moral and Historical Commitment: India’s historical stance against the partition of Palestine and support for a Palestinian state reflects its commitment to anti-colonial and anti-imperial principles.

Humanitarian Concerns: The conflict in Gaza, resulting in over 30,000 deaths and displacing nearly 90% of Gaza’s population, represents a major humanitarian crisis. India’s support for Palestine reflects its concern for human rights and civilian lives.

Alignment with Global South: India aims to be a leader in the Global South, where there is strong opposition to Israel’s actions. Countries like South Africa and Brazil have taken significant stances against Israel, which India, aspiring for similar leadership, cannot ignore.

Balancing International Diplomacy: India’s criticism of Israel, as voiced by External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar, shows its effort to balance diplomatic relations, maintaining a principled stance while engaging with various global players.

Strategic Interests: The conflict impacts India’s strategic interests in the region, especially concerning the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) and broader stability in West Asia.

Preventing Regional Escalation: The ongoing conflict poses a risk of broader regional instability involving Iran, Israel, and America, all key partners for India. Supporting a peaceful resolution to the Palestine issue aligns with India’s interest in maintaining regional stability.

Act West Policy: An immediate end to the war and a permanent resolution to the Palestine question are integral to India’s Act West policy, highlighting its commitment to peace and stability in West Asia.

Way forward

India should continue supporting the two-state solution, as it aligns with national interests and global sentiments. India’s recent UN votes against Israeli settlements and for Palestinian rights, coupled with calls for an immediate ceasefire, reflect this stance. Balancing ties with Israel while advocating for Palestinian self-determination and condemning violence is crucial. This approach is consistent with India’s aspiration to lead the Global South and address humanitarian concerns in Gaza.

Question for practice:

Examine India’s evolving stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict and its significance in regional diplomacy and strategic interests.

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