Time for a technology manifesto

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Time for a Technology Manifesto

Source-This post on Time for a technology manifesto has been created based on the article “This election season, why parties need tech manifestos” published in “The Indian Express” on 20 March 2024.

UPSC SyllabusGS Paper-2– Salient Features of the Representation of People’s Act. Time for a Technology Manifesto

Context-The article highlights the need for introduction of technological manifestos by political parties for Indian voters in the wake of increased digitization in India.

5 Years ago, in the last general election, Indians did not give much importance to technology while casting their votes. Only few major political parties like BJP and INC have given some attention to it.

But the last 5 years have witnessed intensive adoption of digitization. It has turned technology into a mediator of power and access. Online platforms, smartphones, telecommunication networks have become an important part of ordinary Indians.

What was the digital vision of political parties in the last general election?

1) The BJP highlighted technology as a catalyst for economic and social goals, including enhanced delivery of entitlements and increased farm incomes.

2) The INC highlighted digital rights reforms, addressing access, free expression, and privacy in a dedicated section.

3) The All-India Trinamool Congress (AITC) and the Communist Party of India (Marxist) supported legal reforms for surveillance etc.

Why should the political parties introduce technological manifestos for voters?

1) Undemocratic practice– Distancing political parties from regulating digital policies are not only unsustainable, but also anti-democratic.  Online platforms, smartphones, telecommunication networks and data centres are part of the lives of ordinary Indians. Hence, there should be development of a digital society by its democratic representation.

2) Digital Divide-There is a need to highlight the inequitable and uneven distribution of digital growth. It has largely concentrated on urban, male, upper-income groups while large sections of the masses remain deprived of internet connectivity. This provides a basis to advance proposals of social justice by digitization and technology.

3) Mainstreaming digital rights-The coercive digitizing of public and welfare services; use of free and open-source software; mass citizen surveillance; online fear, abuse etc. require mainstreaming of digital rights in political discourse of country.

4) Arbitrary internet shutdown-Despite the Telecommunications Act of 2023, little has changed in the regulation of internet shutdowns. There have been many internet shutdowns in states like Jammu and Kashmir, Manipur, and Rajasthan that has significantly affected millions of lower-income Indians reliant on smartphones. Addressing arbitrary internet shutdown requires a robust regulatory framework by keeping lower income citizens at its heart.

5) Finding of CSEP report– The Center for Social and Economic Progress (CSEP) on public health observed that “a majority of voters say that the provision of health facilities affects their voting choice to some extent”. In a similar way, technologies that are essential for employment, health, and modern living may affect voting choice.Thus,voters may demand tech manifestos in future.

Read more- What election manifestos must do, why they matter

It is possible that no political party will win the next general elections on its technology promises. However, it is an opportune moment for all of them to offer an alternate digital vision for India.

Question for practice

Highlight the significance of introducing tech manifesto by political parties?

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