AI Agents

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Source-This post on AI Agents has been created based on the article “What are AI agents, which power OpenAI’s GPT4o and Google’s Project Astra?” published in “The Indian Express” on 24 May 2024.

Why in News?

GPT-4o and Project Astra are also termed as ‘AI agents’. These surpass traditional voice assistants like Alexa and Siri. This signals a shift from simple chatbots to advanced, multimodal AI agents.

About AI Agents

AI agents
Source: Indian express

1. Definition: AI agents are advanced AI systems that interact in real-time with humans using multiple modes of communication such as text, voice, and images.

Unlike traditional language models that operate solely on text, AI agents can also process voice and visual inputs.

2. Functionality: They perceive their environment via sensors, process this information with AI algorithms, and take actions based on this data. This allows them to adapt to new situations and handle a variety of scenarios.

Differences from Large Language Models (LLMs)

1. Enhanced Interaction: They provide more natural and immersive interactions by integrating voice, vision, and environmental sensing, unlike LLMs which are restricted to generating text.

2. Contextual Awareness: They understand and respond based on the context of interactions, which makes them capable of offering personalized and relevant responses. They have autonomy to perform complex tasks such as coding and data analysis.

 Potential Uses of AI Agents

1. Versatile Assistants: They can manage tasks ranging from giving personalized recommendations to scheduling appointments, ideally suited for customer service.

2. Educational Tools: They can act as personal tutors, adapting to different learning styles and offering customized instructions.

3. Healthcare Support: They can assist medical professionals by providing diagnostic support and real-time patient monitoring.

Risks and Challenges

1. Privacy and Security: As they can access and use a lot of personal and environmental data, there is a significant concern about how this information is protected and used.

2. Bias: They might also replicate biases present in the data or algorithms they were trained on. This can result in unfair or harmful decisions.

3. Regulation Needs: As AI agents become more widespread, there needs to be strong rules and guidelines to ensure they are used responsibly and safely.

UPSC Syllabus: Science and technology

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