Cheaper Cancer Drugs
Red Book
Red Book

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Source-This post on Cheaper Cancer Drugs has been created based on the article “Government slashes prices for targeted cancer drugs: All you need to know” published in “The Indian Express” on 27 July 2024.

UPSC Syllabus-GS Paper-2- Issues Relating to Development and Management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education

Context– The finance minister has in her budget speech announced customs duty exemptions for three cancer drugs-trastuzumab deruxtecan, osimertinib, and durvalumab. These drugs previously had a 10% duty. Approximately one lakh patients in India require trastuzumab deruxtecan, osimertinib, and durvalumab

Cancer cases in India are rising, with 14.6 lakh new cases in 2022, up from 14.2 lakh in 2021. Cancer deaths also increased to 8.08 lakh in 2022. Women have a higher cancer incidence rate (103.6 per 100,000) compared to men (94.1). Common cancers for men include lung, mouth, and prostate, while for women, they are breast, cervix, and ovary.

What are targeted cancer drugs?

1) Purpose: Attack only cancer cells, leaving normal cells unaffected.

2) Function: Target specific genetic changes in cancer cells that promote growth, division, and spread.

3) Advantages: Better outcomes and fewer side effects than traditional chemotherapy, which affects all cells indiscriminately.

4) Immunotherapy: -Trains the patient’s immune system to identify and attack cancer cells, rather than targeting the cancer directly with drugs.

How do these three drugs work?

1) Trastuzumab deruxtecan-

A) It is an antibody-drug conjugate combining a lab-made protein with a drug. It treats cancers with the HER-2 receptor that have spread or cannot be surgically removed.

B) It is a second-line treatment that is used when traditional therapies fail. It was approved for breast cancer in 2019 and for certain gastrointestinal cancers in 2021.

C) It was the first drug in its class to receive “tissue-agnostic approval” from the FDA, meaning it can treat any cancer with the HER-2 receptor, regardless of its origin.

D) Cost: The drug costs around Rs 1.6 lakh per vial.

2) Osimertinib-

A) Usage: Most used cancer drug in India.

B) Treatment: For lung cancers with epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFR), involved in cancer development. It is effective for 25% to 30% of lung cancers in non-smoking women

C) Function: Blocks EGFR receptors on cancer cells, stopping cancer growth.

D) Application: Prescribed after surgery or as a first-line treatment for metastatic cancer. Can be used until it stops working or causes severe toxicity.

E) Benefits: Extends patient survival by 4 to 5 years compared to other treatments.

F) Cost– The drug is expensive, costing ₹1.5 lakh for a strip of ten pills. It must be taken daily.

3) Durvalumab-

A) Type: Immunotherapy treatment.

B) Usage: Treats certain lung cancers, biliary tract cancers, bladder cancer, and liver cancer.

C) Function: Binds to PD-L1 proteins on cancer cells, which helps the immune system recognize and kill these cells.

D) Benefits: Studies show that patients on Durvalumab remain in remission longer and live longer.

E) Cost: Sold as Imfinzi, it costs about ₹1.5 lakh per 10ml vial.

Read more- Union Budget 2024-25- Analysis

What is the significance of the customs duty exemptions for three cancer drugs?

1) Financial Relief: The exemptions will reduce the financial burden on cancer patients and their families. It will make these drugs more accessible to Indian patients.

2) Meet Additional Expenses:- A  ₹12,000 price drop would allow for more spending on nutrition, protein supplements, and other expenses like tests and scans.

3) Efficacy-They are targeted therapies that offer much better results than traditional therapies.

Question for practice

What are targeted cancer therapies, and how do these three particular drugs work? What is the impact of customs duty exemptions on these three cancer drugs?

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