Centre withdraws DNA Bill: What it says, and what are the objections against it

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Source: The post is based on the article “Centre withdraws DNA Bill: What it says, and what are the objections against it”  published in Indian Express on 26th July 2023.

What is the News?

Government has withdrawn The DNA Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill 2019 from the Lok Sabha.

What is DNA Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill, 2019?

The DNA Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill, 2019 was introduced in Lok Sabha in 2019. 

The Bill provides for the regulation of use of DNA technology for establishing the identity of certain persons.

The Bill was referred to the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and Technology. The committee submitted its report in 2021 recommending several changes in the draft.

What are the key provisions of the Bill?

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What are the key concerns with the bill?

Lack of privacy and dignity: Privacy concerns were paramount, especially with the establishment of DNA data banks and the possibility of misuse or mishandling of sensitive personal information.

Data storage and security: Clear guidelines were required for the secure storage of DNA data, particularly in medical or research laboratories.

Inadequate consent requirements: The absence of explicit consent protocols for civil cases undermined individual agency and rights.

Misuse of DNA profiling: The potential linkage with surveillance systems raised concerns about possible misuse of DNA profiling data for caste-based or community profiling.

Lack of clarity on data storage: The scope of data that may be stored in the umbrella database required clearer guidelines to ensure data privacy and protection.

Insufficient guidelines for combining DNA technology with other Tools: The bill needed specific guidelines on the appropriate use of DNA technology in conjunction with other tools in the justice system to prevent potential miscarriages of justice.

Why has the DNA Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill, 2019 been withdrawn now?

The Bill has been withdrawn as the main provisions of the Bill have already been enacted as part of another law, the Criminal Procedure (Identification) Act that was passed by both houses of Parliament in 2022.

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