Chapter 8


1. Local government is government at the village and district level.

2. Local government is about the government closest to the common people.

3. Local government is about the government that involves the day-to-day life and problems of ordinary citizens.

4. Democracy is about meaningful participation. It is also about accountability.

5. Strong and vibrant local governments ensure both active participation and purposeful accountability.

6. It is at the level of local government that common citizens can be involved in decision making concerning
their lives, their needs and above all their development.

7. Common people are more familiar with their local government than with the government at the State or national level.

1. In modern times, elected local government bodies were created after 1882.

2. Lord Ripon, who was the Viceroy of India at that time, took the initiative in creating these bodies

3. During India’s freedom movement, Mahatma Gandhi had strongly pleaded for decentralisation of economic and political power.

4. Panchayats therefore were looked upon as instruments of decentralisation and participatory democracy. 

5.  When the Constitution was prepared, the subject of local government was assigned to the States.

Local Governments in Independent India
1. Local governments got a fillip after the 73rd and 74th Constitution Amendment Act 1992.

2. In 1989 the P.K.Thungon Committee recommended constitutional recognition for the local government             bodies.

Committees related to local government in India

1.PRI committee (73rd & 74th Act passed in 1992 and came into force on 24 april 1993 )

2. Jan1957 Balwant Rai G Mehta committee:
i) recommended Democratic decentralization, 3 tier Panchayati Raj system,village panchayat,DM(as a chairman of zila parishad)

3. Ashok Mehta committee in Dec 1977
i) 2 tier Panchayati Raj system , Nyaya Panchayat

4. GVK Rao Committee 1985
i) post of DDC should be created

5. LM Singhvi Committee 1986
i) recommended PRI should be constitutionally recognized

ii)Nyaya Panchayat should be established

iii)judicial tribunal 

iv)Local self govt.

6. Thungon Committee , 1988

i) PRI should be constitutionally recognized

ii)3- tier panchayatti Raj system 

iii)5 year tenure 

iv) State finance commission should be setup in each state

v) DM as CEO of Zila Parishad

1. In 1989, the central government introduced two constitutional amendments. These amendments aimed
at strengthening local governments
2. Later in 1992, the 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments were passed by the Parliament.

3.The 73rd Amendment is about rural local governments (which are also known as Panchayati Raj Institutions or

4. 74th amendment made the provisions relating to urban local government (Nagarpalikas).

5. The 73rd and 74th Amendments came into force on 24 April 1993.

Features added through 73th CAA 1992
1. All States now have a uniform three tier Panchayati Raj structure.

2. At the base is the ‘Gram Panchayat‘. A Gram Panchayat covers a village or group of villages.

3. The intermediary level is the Mandal (also referred to as Block or Taluka). These bodies are called Mandal or
Taluka Panchayats.
The intermediary level body need not be constituted in smaller States.
4. At the apex is the Zilla Panchayat covering the entire rural area of the District.

5. The Gram Sabha would comprise all the adult members registered as voters in the Panchayat area. 

6.Elections: All the three levels of Panchayati Raj institutions are elected directly by the people.

7.The term of each Panchayat body is five years.

8. If the State government dissolves the Panchayat before the end of its five year term, fresh elections must be held within six months of such dissolution.

9. Reservations : One third of the positions in all panchayat institutions are reserved for women.

10. Reservations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are also provided for at all the three levels, in
proportion to their population.

11.Transfer of Subjects : 29 subjects, which were earlier in the State list of subjects, are listed in the Eleventh
Schedule of the Constitution.
        i) These subjects are to be transferred to the Panchayati Raj institutions.
        ii)The actual transfer of these functions depends upon the State legislation.
12. Article 243G. Powers, authority and responsibilities of Panchayats.

13. The provisions of the 73rd amendment were not made applicable to the areas inhabited by the Adivasi
populations in many States of India.
In 1996, a separate act was passed extending the provisions of the Panchayat system to these areas known as PESA Act 1996.

State Election Commission (Article 243k) :
1.The State government is required to appoint a State Election Commissioner who would be responsible for conducting elections to the Panchayati Raj institutions.

2.The office of the State Election Commissioner is autonomous like the Election Commissioner of India.

3. State Election Commission is an independent office and is not linked to nor is this office under the control
of the Election Commission of India.

State Finance Commission (Article 243-I)
1. The State government is required to appoint a State Finance Commission once in five years.

2. This Commission would examine the financial position of the local governments & Urban local bodies in the

3. It would also review the distribution of revenues between the State and local governments, urban local
bodies on the one hand and between rural and urban local governments on the other.

74th Amendment Act 1992
1. 74th amendment dealt with urban local bodies or Nagarpalikas.
2. The Census of India defines an urban area as having:

     (i) a minimum population of 5,000

    (ii) at least 75 per cent of male working population engaged in non-agricultural occupations

    (iii) a density of population of at least 400 persons per sq. km.

3.In many ways the 74th amendment is a repetition of the 73rd amendment, except that it applies to urban

4.Constitution also mandated the transfer of a list of functions from the State government to the urban
local bodies.
These 18 functions have been listed in the Twelfth Schedule of the Constitution.

1.All States have now passed a legislation to implement the provisions of the 73rd and 74th amendments.

2. Today there are more than 600 Zilla Panchayats, about 6,000 block or intermediary Panchayats, and 2,40,000
Gram Panchayats in rural India
and over 100 city Corporations, 1400 town Municipalities and over 2000 Nagar Panchayats in urban India.

3. More than 32 lakh members are elected to these bodies every five years.Of these, at least 13 lakhs are women.

4. The 73rd and 74th amendments have created uniformity in the structures of Panchayati Raj and Nagarpalika institutions across the country.

5. Reservation for women in Panchayats and Nagarpalikas has ensured the presence of a significant number of women in local bodies.

6. Reservations for Scheduled Castes and Tribes are mandated by the constitutional amendment, most States have also made a provision to reserve seats for Backward Castes.
7. Local bodies have very little funds of their own. The dependence of local bodies on the State and central
governments for financial support has greatly eroded their capacity to operate effectively.

While rural local bodies raise 0.24% of the total revenues collected, they account for 4% of the total expenditure
made by the government.
So they earn much less than they spend. That makes them dependent on those who give them grants.

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