Chief of Defence Staff
Red Book
Red Book

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Source– The post is based on the articles “Evolving Chair” published in The Hindu and the “The Chief task” published in The Indian Express on 30th September 2022.

Syllabus: GS3- Security challenges

Relevance– Reformation of armed forces

News– The article explains the new vision of the Indian government for transformation of armed focus and bringing synergy. It also explains the challenges before the institution of Chief of Defence Staff.

What is the status of armed forces in a democracy?

They are constitutionally empowered instruments of the state under the umbrella of civilian supremacy.

They operate with a great deal of autonomy and are largely trusted by the politicians to offer sound policy advice.

Indian armed forces have followed this model. In the case of India, bureaucracy has acted as a policy interface between executive and armed forces.

What is the proposed vision for transformation of armed forces and CDS role in this transformation?

One of the main components of this new vision is reorganisation of the armed forces into integrated theatre commands.

It focuses on bringing synergy between all wings of armed forces.

CDS mandate is to ensure “jointness” of the three services in operations, logistics, transport, training, support services, communications, repairs and maintenance.

CDS is also the Principal Military Adviser to the Defence Minister and Permanent Chairman of Chiefs of Staff Committee.

What are challenges before the institution of Chief of Defence Staff?

To build a bridge between a government that wants quicker changes and an organisation that is resistant to change.

Build operational capability at a pace that will ensure that the military power asymmetry with China remains manageable.

Address the challenges related to integrated military planning and training. India specific requirements have to be addressed for fresh structures that focus on jointness.

To properly articulate policies, doctrines and strategy. A National Security Strategy needs to be devised. It will act as a guiding framework for policies and doctrines.

Balancing the need to retain the operational capability and the government’s push towards self-reliance in defence manufacturing. The current silos of innovators and designers, manufacturers and armed forces needs to be broken down. We have to ensure lateral entry into innovation and manufacturing spaces to develop intellectual capital.

Shedding colonial legacies and traditions that are irrelevant. The focus should be upon fostering a sense of pride in India’s martial traditions that go back to epics such as the Mahabharata and to Cholas and Marathas.

To bring in fiscal prudence and optimisation in utilisation of the defence budget especially given the tough economic outlook

More clarity is needed regarding the functions of the CDS, particularly their relationship with the Service Chiefs in terms of operational roles and administrative duties.

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