Difference Between Series – For UPSC IAS Exam

Dear Friends,

Keeping in mind, the need of UPSC aspirants, we are starting a new “Difference Between” series. This series, like many before it, underlines our commitment to providing useful, to the point and best quality material to our users, absolutely free.

How Difference Between Series will help your UPSC preparation?  

Without beating around the bush, let’s dive into some of the key benefits you’ll get out of this initiative. 

  • Supreme clarity: This initiative will help you gain a firm grasp over topics that sound eerily similar but are fundamentally different from one another.  
  • Gain confidence: You will gain tremendous confidence in your ability to answer tricky questions based on such topics.   
  • Save precious time: Time might be money for others but for a UPSC aspirant it’s more like Bitcoin (or Gold, if you are a bit traditional). We help you save it by doing the legwork for you. You don’t have to go through tons of material and resources now. It’s already done for you.  

Topics covered here will not only broaden your understanding of the subject but help you develop a firm grip over the basics, and aid your overall UPSC preparation. Moreover, the information in this series is deliberately presented in a tabular form. This will help you to remember even minute details in a clear and concise manner.

Difference between articles – Polity
Difference between articles on Constitutional Framework
  1. The Indian model of secularism & western model of secularism
  2. Political party and Pressure group
  3. Written and Unwritten constitution
  4. Independent and integrated judiciary
Difference between articles on Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties and Directive Principles
  1. Equality before law & Equal protection of law
  2. Fundamental Rights available to citizens and foreigners
  3. Procedure established by Law and Due process of Law
  4. Fundamental Rights and DPSPs
  5. Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties
  6. Legal rights and Fundamental Rights
Difference between articles on System of Government
  1. National Emergency and martial law
  2. National Emergency and President’s rule
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