Rahul Srivastava IAS Topper Rank 10 | UPSC CSE 2022 – Optional Subject & Background

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Rahul Srivastava IAS topper from Bihar has achieved the remarkable feat of securing the All India Rank 10 in the UPSC Civil Services 2022 exam. His name has become a byword for unwavering resolve and relentless persistence.  

IAS topper, Rahul Srivastava answer sheets isn’t just a collection; it’s a revelation. It provides a backstage pass to the meticulous preparation, the intellectual acuity, and the emotional fortitude required to crack the UPSC. Emulating the strategy of IAS topper, Rahul Srivastava is an invaluable approach to fortifying your UPSC preparation

As you explore the answer sheets of IAS topper Rahul Srivastava AIR 10 of UPSC 2022 , you will discover the nuances of answer writing, the art of time management, and the intricacies of subject mastery. 

You can download IAS topper, Rahul Srivastava test copies that he wrote at ForumIAS during his preparation journey. 



Download link for Test Copies of Rahul Srivastava, IAS, Rank 10, UPSC 2022

Rahul Srivastava Sample MGP Copy – GS Paper

Rahul Srivastava Sample MGP Copy – Ethics Paper

Rahul Srivastava Sample MGP Copy – Essay Paper



Important Highlights about Rahul Srivastava


Rank – 10

Attempt – 4th

Optional Subject – Electrical Engineering

Graduation – B. Tech In Instrumentation, NIT Trichy

Father – Retired Senior Manager at Canara Bank

Mother – Homemaker

Extracurricular activities – Cricket



Background and Education of IAS Topper Rahul Srivastava

Mr. Srivastava’s family includes his retired banker father and homemaker mother. He pursued his education, earning a diploma from St. Karen’s for class 10 and completing his 12th grade at DAV Public School. Subsequently, he embarked on his academic journey by pursuing a B.Tech in Electrical Engineering at NIT, Tiruchirapalli, located in Tamil Nadu.

After that, he started his preparation for UPSC exam.


Rahul Srivastava enrolled in the following Programs of ForumIAS:

1) SFG 2022

2) RLG 2022

3) MGP 2021


Family of IAS Topper Rahul Srivastava

Rahul Srivastava’s family has been his pillar of strength throughout his journey.

Personal Interests and Hobbies of IAS Topper Rahul Srivastava

Rahul has an ardent interest in playing cricket and is remembered as a left-arm bowler by people living in his neighbourhood.


Preparation Strategy of IAS Topper Rahul Srivastava

It was his fourth attempt and interestingly he couldn’t even clear UPSC Prelims in the first three. However, neither did he lose hope nor quit hard work.

“I aimed to dedicate a minimum of 5-6 hours each day to my studies, although occasionally, I’d extend those hours, and there were times when I couldn’t meet my predetermined goals. Nevertheless, I remained committed to the principle of studying with unwavering concentration,” shared Mr. Srivastava, who nurtures ambitions of becoming an IAS officer.

He also highlighted that engaging in recreational activities with friends and neighbors played a pivotal role in coping with setbacks and maintaining a positive outlook.

During the initial days of UPSC preparation, he used to study from everywhere. He didn’t want to lose out on anything but the failures taught him that too much can be confusing. Learning from his mistake, he focused on basic books and kept revising them multiple times. The topper advises aspirants to follow the same and not be spoilt for choices.

Rahul emphasizes the importance of smart work in preparing for competitive exams, a sentiment echoed by many successful UPSC candidates. Understanding what needs to be prioritized during the preparation phase is crucial, according to Rahul’s perspective.

“My objective was well-defined, and as a result, I couldn’t simply resign to a sense of hopelessness. I rallied myself and initiated my efforts with heightened enthusiasm,” expressed the topper.


For  Copies of other toppers – Click Here

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