Economics Optional Test 7 for UPSC Mains 2017 : Mains Marathon
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Here is the 7th Economics Mains Marathon Optional Test.

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Economics Mains Marathon : Test-7

  1. With the help of suitable diagrams, elaborate Cournot model. What is the significance of reaction curves in the model?
  2. Explain kinked demand curve theory with the help of diagram.
  3. Under perfect competition, in the short run, find out graphically, without using average cost curve, the conditions in equilibrium for the existence of (i) normal profit, (ii) supernormal profit and (iii) loss.
  4. What do you mean by collusive oligopoly? Distinguish between cartel and price leadership with respect to determination of price and quantity.
  5. Discuss the cobweb model of dynamic equilibrium with lagged adjustment. Explain how the existence of a stable equilibrium depends on the nature of the demand and supply curves
  6. What is “Scitovsky’s paradox”? How far has Scitovsky been successful in removing contradictions in Kaldor-Hicks compensation criteria of welfare?
  7. Derive Marshall’s welfare economics from his concept of consumer surplus after explaining consumer’s surplus along with the underlying assumptions.
  8. Is rent a surplus? Give reasons in support of your assertion and point out the difference between `rent’ and `quasi-rent’?
  9. Examine Kalecki’s model of distribution. Do you consider it to be a correct explanation of distribution?
  10. In what way Kaldor’s model of income distribution is basically a Keynesian theory?
  11. Discuss the process of ‘forced commercialisation’ of agriculture under the colonial rule.
  12. What specific trade policies during the British period led to the decline of Indian industry? Explain
  13. What was the impact of the Great Depression in 1929 on India?
  14. How did railways contribute to India’s economic development in the pre independence era?
  15. Evaluate the track record of land reforms in India in its various aspects bringing out inter state differences. How would you interpret this record?
  16. Delineate the trends in the growth and industrial composition of public sector in India during the pre liberalisation period.
  17. What do you mean by Hindu rate of Growth? Why has it been argued that poverty cannot be eradicated at Hindu Rate of Growth?
  18. Explain the growth mediated security and support-led security strategies of poverty alleviation given by Jean Dreeze and Amartya Sen.
  19. Discuss the wage goods model of development of as given by CN Vakil and PR Brahmananda.
  20. “It was needless export pessimism that led India to adopt import substitution strategy of industrialisation in the pre-liberalisation period”. Critically examine.

All Mains Marathon Optional Questions are updated in this page


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