Explained: Eradicating malaria by 2050 — why study says it can be done
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News:Lancet has released a report on Malaria eradication.


About the report:

  • The report has held that with the right strategies and sufficient funding,it is possible to eradicate malaria as early as 2050.
  • The report has noted that since 2000,global malaria incidence and death rates have declined by 36% and 60 % respectively.More than half of the world’s countries are malaria-free.
  • However,there are over 200 million cases of malaria reported each year, claiming nearly half a million lives.Malaria cases are rising in 55 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
  • The report also highlighted the inequity where 29 countries (27 in Africa) accounted for the large majority of new cases and 85% of global deaths in 2017.
  • On the other hand,38 countries had incidences of fewer than ten cases per 1,000 population in 2017 and reported just 5% of total malaria deaths.

Recommendations:The report identifies three ways to accelerate the decline in malaria cases which are-

  • Improve implementation of malaria control programmes globally.
  • Develop and roll out innovative new tools to overcome the biological challenges to eradication.
  • Malaria-endemic countries must be provided with the financial investment to fight malaria.

Additional information:

About Malaria:

  • Malaria is a disease caused by Plasmodium parasites that are transmitted to people through the bite of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes.
  • According to the World Malaria Report 2018,more than 200 million people were affected by malaria in 2017.
  • India (4%) along with Nigeria Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mozambique and Uganda accounted for nearly 50% of all malaria cases
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