Express View on caste in California- Law making caste-based discrimination illegal is a step forward. Prejudice must be brought into the light
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Source: The post is based on the article “Express View on caste in California- Law making caste-based discrimination illegal is a step forward. Prejudice must be brought into the light” published in “The Indian express” on 8th September 2023.

Syllabus: GS1- Society

News: The article talks about California becoming the first US state to pass law SB-403, aimed at addressing caste-based discrimination. It points out that while many Indian-Americans embrace their culture in the US, some carry biases like caste prejudice. The article stresses the need to address these issues for a stronger Indian-American community.

Why did California introduce a law against caste-based discrimination?

Growing Awareness: California, being a progressive state, has often led in terms of legislation, addressing issues from pollution control to LGBTQIA+ rights.

Notable Incidents: In 2020, Cisco, a significant tech company, was sued by the state because two Indian managers allegedly discriminated against a Dalit engineer.

Influence of Other Regions: Earlier this year, Seattle recognized caste discrimination, signaling the urgency of addressing this issue on a broader scale.

Reflecting Community Voices: The law is a result of a larger conversation in the community and isn’t just a top-down decision. It indicates that caste prejudices exist among some Indian-Americans in the US.

Promoting Justice: The law aims to challenge and address discrimination, ensuring that everyone, irrespective of their ancestry or caste, is treated fairly.

What are its impacts?

Recognition of Caste Issues: The law solidifies that caste discrimination is not just an Indian issue but is recognized and addressed in the US, specifically in California.

Validation for Marginalized Voices: The legislation provides a platform for Dalits and other marginalized groups to raise their concerns about caste prejudices in the US.

Influence on Other Regions: Following California’s lead, other states or cities might consider similar legislation, as Seattle did by recognizing caste discrimination earlier.

Reflection for Indian-Americans: The law prompts the Indian-American community to introspect and confront prejudices they might have carried over.

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