Food Security and Nutrition Report 2023: 74% Indians could not afford healthy diet in 2021
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Source: The post is based on the articleFood Security and Nutrition Report 2023: 74% Indians could not afford healthy diet in 2021 published in “The Hindu” on 13th December 2023

Why in the News?

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has released a report titled “Asia Pacific Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2023: Statistics and Trends”.

What is the Asia Pacific Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2023 Report?

Released by: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Aim: To inform stakeholders on progress towards ending hunger, achieving food security and improving nutrition.

– The report is a glimpse of the progress in meeting Sustainable Development Goals and World Health Assembly (WHA) Global Nutrition Targets 2025.

Key Findings of the report:

Asia-Pacific Region:

1) During the pandemic and the “5Fs” crisis (food, feed, fuel, fertiliser, and finance), the Asia Pacific region experienced troubling statistics.

2) About half of the world’s undernourished people live in the Asia-Pacific region, with more women than men being food insecure.

3) Southern Asia has highest prevalence of undernourishment at 15.6 percent.


1) Affordability of Healthy Diet: In 2021, over 74% of Indians (76.2% in 2020) could not afford a healthy diet.

2) Undernourishment: 16.6% of India’s population is undernourished, facing economic and social costs.

3) Prevalence of Child Malnutrition:
a. Stunting (low height for age): 31.7% of children under the age of five.
Wasting (low weight for height): 18.7% (the highest rate in the region)
c. Overweight: 2.8%.

4) Low Birth Weight: 27.4% (highest regional prevalence in the region)

5) Anaemia: 53% of women aged 15-49 had anaemia in 2019 (largest prevalence in the region)

6) Exclusive Breastfeeding: India has a higher prevalence (63.7%) of exclusive breastfeeding in infants (0-5 months) compared to the world average (47.7%).

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