Foreign Minister announces rollout of tech to help protect U.N. peacekeepers

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Source: The Hindu

What is the News?

India’s External Affairs Minister has announced the launch of the UNITE AWARE platform.

About UNITE AWARE Platform:
  1. Launched by: India in partnership with the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Operational Support.
  2. Purpose: UNITE Aware is a technology platform that utilises modern surveillance technology for real-time threat assessments to UN peacekeepers and helps them enhance their security.
  3. Where will it be deployed? The UNITE Aware platform will initially be rolled out in four UN Peacekeeping Missions: MINUSMA (Mali), UNMISS (South Sudan), UNFICYP (Cyprus) and AMISOM (Somalia).
About Partnership for Technology in Peacekeeping initiative:
  1. The initiative was established in 2014 by the United Nations (UN) Department of Operational Support (DOS).
  2. Objective: To bring greater involvement to peacekeeping through innovative approaches and technologies that have the potential to empower UN global operations


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