ForumIAS Residential Coaching – Batch 5 ( FRC 5) – Inviting Applications | Prelims 2025
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The FRC-5 Program will start from 30th January 2025. To register for the Entrance Test of FRC-5 Click Here


Update : 8th January, 2025

FRC 5 Phase 2 will commence from 14th Jan. 2025.

Update : 8th December, 2024

FRC 5 Phase 1 will commence from December 16th, Monday with revision for NCERTs in the first phase

Registration for FRC 5 are now closed in public. Admissions to FRC 5 are only available through three methods

(1) FRC1 referrals

(2) Mentor recommendations

(3) Selected Alumni Referrals

For application with referrals, you may write to rXaYvi@ZforumiYas.cXoXm ( remove capital X Y and Z letters to get the email address ). Referring source may also email with your details to the same.

Update: 1st December, 2024

Dear Students,

This is to inform you that the FRC-5 batch is scheduled to commence on 15th January 2025. Students will begin accommodating in the hostel in groups starting from 10th January 2025. Those who have enrolled in the program will have their specific arrival dates communicated to them at the earliest.


Update: 22nd September, 2024

Dear Students,

This is to inform you that the FRC-5 is scheduled to start after 15th December 2024. Those who are registering and paying the fees for FRC-5 from today onwards need to follow the below mentioned documents. Here are the scheduled of charges and important information:

FRC 5 Schedule of Charges Click Here

FAQs and Other Important Information: Click Here


Update: 19 September, 2024

Dear All,

We are currently accepting applications for FRC 5. FRC 5 will be a prelims centric batch of students, who have not been able to clear the Prelims examination before after attempting it, and would like to seek professional help from ForumIAS Academy for their prelims preparation.

This write up is divided into below parts so that you can directly visit the question.

Who should apply for FRC 5?

The most suitable candidates for whom this program is designed are those who have appeared for Prelims at least 2 times and have not been able to clear it. They should also have at least two attempts left so were they to clear the prelims examination, they should be able to make use of their learnings in the Mains examination. We encourage candidates from North East, Southern States to specifically apply for the program. We also encourage candidates from Delhi NCR who have a troublesome time managing the air pollution in Delhi NCR during winter months to apply for the program as the FRC location is outside the poor AQI zone that affects NCR. We also encourage women candidates to apply for the program.

Apart from this

  1. Candidates must be mentally prepared for sitting anywhere between 8 -12 hours / day for studies. This will be necessary to ensure clearing the exam.
  2. Candidates must not suffer from any known mental / physical health problems.

Who is not eligible / should not apply for FRC 5 ?

Candidates who have never appeared for the Prelims examination may not apply for the program. Given that limited seats are there in FRC – we encourage you to benefit from existing courses of ForumIAS. We only want candidates who have tried their best to clear the prelims, but have not been able to understand the demand of the exam to apply for FRC 5. Candidates who have known medical conditions and cannot commit for sitting for 8-10 hours a day must not apply for the program.

What has been your previous experience with Prelims preparation?

We have significant experience with all stages of the examination, to the point that we send 2 out of every 3 students selected in the final list. You can see our successful candidates list here.

Where will the residential coaching be located?

Given our experience, we are looking for a college campus / University campus/ NGO funded institution to conduct the FRC 5 that is accessible from New Delhi. There have been four reasons for this.

One, given the fire safety and other concerns in Delhi NCR there are not many places where conducting highly focused programs is possible. Getting people to clear the exam requires more than business-as-usual approach and much more dedication from both the academy and the student.

Two, concerns with respect to peaceful of the area and safety for our students is something that are paramount for us. With the recent events in Old Rajinder Nagar, we have had some time to reflect, and while we will focus on having an intensely competitive and high quality course that delivers result, we are also keen on a location where wholistic preparation can be done, with clear air, fresh water, open spaces, and Nature.

Three, nearly one third of the students who came to prepare for Prelims in Delhi with Forum suffered from serious allergy and bronchitis issues thanks to air pollution in Delhi – which cannot be wished away. We want to have a campus where this issue is solved.

Four, our previous issue with residential set up was that while we were able handle the academic problems, city and municipal level problems such as power outages, voltage fluctuations, water problems were beyond our control. We are looking for a campus which can comfortably handle a good number of candidates for serious prelims preparation.

What are the expected fee structure for (a) course (b) hostel accommodation (c) food ?

We have been working with hostel / PG owners/ food service providers, and we are looking at a monthly expense of somewhere near 10-12K for room rents/6000 for food costs / 2000 for library costs. In total this should cost our students anywhere near 18k-20k / month. Electricity bills will be charges as per usage @Rs. 11-12 / unit as connections will be commercial and not domestic as per law. We are trying to negotiate and arrange logistics so that student expenses do not exceed 18K/month.

The course fee for a duration of 4-5 month duration course is expected to be Rs. 31000.

When is the program likely to commence ?

The program is likely to commence from 15th of January 2025.

How do I apply for the program?

Admissions to the program are not off-the-shelf and will be done on the basis of merit only. Interested Students may apply for the program by paying a non-refundable fee of Rs 799. Here are the steps.

Step 1 : Register for the FRC 5 Batch by clicking this link. ( Requires payment of Rs. 799 )
Step 2 : You shall receive a QCA Booklet ( Question-cum-Answer Booklet ) in your email within 72 hours. The booklet will have questions printed in it, and you must take a print out of the booklet. You must write answers to the questions asked in the booklet in your own handwriting.

Step 3 : Scan the booklet , converting it into a single PDF using popular apps such as Camscanner or Oken and send it to us at For any help, write to

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