India’s Tibet Policy amid US-China Tensions

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Source-This post on India’s Tibet Policy amid US-China Tensions has been created based on the article “It’s time for India to reclaim its voice on Tibet” published in “The Hindu” on 27 June 2024.

UPSC SyllabusGS Paper-2-International Relations- India and its Neighborhood- Relations.

Context– A US delegation visited Dharamshala soon after the US Congress passed the ‘Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act.’ This legislation aims to support Tibet and criticize China’s treatment of Tibetans. The Central Tibetan Administration invited the delegation to express solidarity with the Tibetan diaspora and to urge renewed talks between the Dalai Lama’s representatives and Beijing.

India hosted the delegation, with the External Affairs Minister arranging a dinner and the Prime Minister meeting them the next day. This gesture was seen as a carefully considered move amidst ongoing tensions with China.

How has Indias Tibet policy evolved in last few decades?

1) Diplomatic and Humanitarian Commitment--India recognized Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) as a part of China in 1954, reflecting its diplomatic position on territorial issues. Since 1959, India has provided asylum to the Dalai Lama and Tibetan refugees. This demonstrates its robust commitment to humanitarian principles.

2) Changed Stance due to Chinas Disregard – China’s disregard for India’s territorial integrity, its renaming of places in Arunachal Pradesh, and its practice of issuing stapled visas to residents of Jammu and Kashmir, India has opted not to publicly support a ‘One China’ policy. This indicated a shift in India’s approach towards Tibet.

3) Position on the Dalai Lama -India highlights the Dalai Lama’s status as a respected spiritual leader instead of categorizing him as a “separatist,” despite China’s objections. India does not officially recognize the Tibetan Government in Exile or Parliament in Exile as independent entities.

What are the difficulties linked to the United States’ engagement with Indias immediate neighborhood?

1) Marginalizing of India– India has chosen not to publicly endorse U.S. criticisms of China’s policies towards Tibetans. Instead, India has maintained its own carefully balanced approach to relations with Beijing. Allowing U.S. leaders to deliver messages to Beijing from India neglect India’s historically calibrated Tibet policy.

2) Diminishing Regional Influence-Similar challenges are being observed in other parts of South Asia, including the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and the Indian Ocean islands, where India’s influence has diminished amidst rising competition between the United States and China.

Read more-India-Maldives Relations

What should be the way forward?

1) Maintain Strategic Autonomy-India’s Tibet policy requires careful recalibration considering changing geopolitical dynamics. While maintaining its historical stance of providing refuge to Tibetans, India must navigate the complex U.S.-China relationship and assert its own interests in the region.

2) Reevaluation of Tibet Policy– India needs to reassess its approach and maintain a balanced, independent Tibet policy that serves its strategic interests without compromising sovereignty or diplomatic relations.

Question for practice

What are the difficulties linked to the United States’ engagement with Indias immediate neighborhood?

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