Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 25,2021

Underwater study to determine origin of Ram Setu Why in News? Archaeological Survey of India(ASI) has approved an underwater research project to ascertain the origins of the Ram Setu. Facts: About the study: The study will be conducted by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) Goa.… Continue reading Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 25,2021

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Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 23,2021

New land allotment policy of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) Why in News? A new policy has been approved for Jammu and Kashmir.  The policy focus on the allotment of land to industrial entrepreneurs. What are the objectives of the policy? To address various land-related issues that are creating hurdles in the industrial development of Jammu… Continue reading Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 23,2021

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Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 22,2021

Global Risk Report, 2021 Why in News? The World Economic Forum(WEF) has released the 16th edition of the Global Risk Report, 2021. Report findings are based on the Global Risks Perception Survey (GRPS). GRPS was undertaken by more than 650 members of leadership communities of WEF (World Economic Forum). Aim: To highlight the risks and… Continue reading Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 22,2021

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Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 21,2021

2nd edition of India Innovation Index-2020  Why in News?  NITI Aayog along with the Institute for Competitiveness has released the second edition of the India Innovation Index-2020.    Facts:  India Innovation Index: The first edition of the index was launched in October 2019.   The Index is aimed at providing an effective tool to track the state of innovation at… Continue reading Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 21,2021

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Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 20, 2021

UNDESA report on migrants  Why in News?   International Migration report 2020 has been released by the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA).    Aim: To provide the estimates of the number of international migrants according to country, age and sex for all regions of the world.   Key findings for India:  Indian diaspora is 18 million strong. It is the largest transnational… Continue reading Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 20, 2021

Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 19, 2021

UNEP releases Adaptation Gap Report 2020  Why in News?   United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has released the Adaptation Gap Report 2020.  Key Facts:  Adaptation: It is one of the pillars of Paris accord. It involves increasing capacity and reduction of vulnerability of countries and communities to climate-related disasters. This capacity will be built by national efforts and funding mechanisms.   Aim of the report: The report aims to indicate national and international efforts to… Continue reading Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 19, 2021

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Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 18,2021

Winter migratory water birds make a beeline to Punjab’s Harike wetland News: Winter migratory waterbirds using the central Asian flyway have started making a beeline to Punjab’s Harike wetland. Facts: Harike Wetland: It is one of the largest man-made wetlands of northern India which shares its area with the Tarntaran, Ferozpur and Kapurthala districts of… Continue reading Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 18,2021

Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 16,2021

Govt launches PMKVY 3.0 to empower youth with new-age skills to boost employability News: The government of India has launched the third phase of its flagship skilling scheme Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY 3.0). Facts: Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana(PMKVY): It is the flagship scheme of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE)… Continue reading Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 16,2021

Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 15,2021

USTTAD (Upgrading the Skills & Training in Traditional Arts/Crafts for Development) scheme Facts: USTTAD Scheme: The scheme was launched in 2015 by the Ministry of Minority Affairs. Aim: To upgrade the capacity building and traditional skills of master craftsmen and artisans. Objectives: Capacity building and upgrading of the traditional skills of master craftsmen and artisans;… Continue reading Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 15,2021

Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 14,2021

RBI constituted Jayant Kumar Dash committee to study Digital lending activities   News: Reserve Bank of India(RBI) has constituted a working group on digital lending — including online platforms and mobile apps. Facts: Objective: The working group will study digital lending activities in the regulated and unregulated financial sector so that an appropriate regulatory approach… Continue reading Factly :-News Articles For UPSC Prelims | Jan 14,2021
