Key areas for enhancing India’s internal security

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Source: The post key areas for enhancing India’s internal security has been created, based on the article “Why India needs an internal security plan for the next five years” published in “Indian express” on 4th July 2024

UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper3-internal security

Context: The article discusses the need for a comprehensive plan to enhance India’s internal security over the next five years. It highlights nine key areas requiring attention, including national security doctrine, internal security ministry, and issues in regions like Jammu and Kashmir and the Northeast, among others.

For detailed information on Need for a National Security Doctrine for India read this article here

What are the key areas for enhancing India’s internal security?

To enhance India’s internal security, the following key areas need attention:

  1. National Security Doctrine (NSD): Establishing an NSD to systematically define and address security challenges is crucial. Previous attempts to finalize drafts have not been successful.
  2. Internal Security Ministry: A separate ministry for internal security is proposed to handle urgent matters efficiently, improving response times and focus.
  3. Jammu and Kashmir: Despite a 66% reduction in terror incidents since the abrogation of Article 370, security challenges persist. Steps to reorganize the security setup and restore statehood are needed.
  4. Northeast Region: Issues like ethnic conflicts and demands for separate flags and constitutions by rebel groups continue. The government should enforce agreements and manage conflicts effectively.
  5. Naxalite Problem: There has been a 73% decline in violence from a peak in 2010. Initiating peace talks and addressing grievances could further reduce conflict.
  6. Intelligence Bureau and CBI: The Intelligence Bureau and the CBI need restructuring to ensure they function without bias and with adequate legal and infrastructural support. There is a need to give the IB a statutory basis and to strengthen the CBI’s legal mandate and resources.
  7. State Police: Transform the state police from a “Ruler’s Police” to a “People’s Police,” emphasizing community engagement and modern policing standards, similar to the reforms introduced by Robert Peel in Britain It is essential for gaining public trust and effectiveness.
  8. Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs): The CAPFs face issues such as unplanned expansion and inadequate training. A high-powered commission is needed to address these long-term problems and improve the functioning of these forces.
  9. Technology in Policing: Implementing advanced technological solutions can enhance policing capabilities and address new challenges effectively.

Way forward

A nation’s global strength is directly linked to its internal unity and its capacity to resolve internal conflicts, thereby preventing any breeding ground for terrorism or extremism. The country’s internal security situation would significantly improve if proactive and visionary measures are implemented as outlined above.

Question for practice:

Discuss the key areas and proposed measures to enhance India’s internal security over the next five years.

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