Must Read News Articles – December 4th, 2018

ForumIAS announcing GS Foundation Program for UPSC CSE 2025-26 from 26th June. Click Here for more information.


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Qatar to quit OPEC next month

Qatar will leave the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) next month in order to focus on gas production, the Gulf state’s new Energy Minister Saad al-Kaabi announced on Monday.

Two Punjabs, one South Asia

India-Pakistan rapprochement and the South Asian future require subnational engagement, starting with Punjab

Tariff truce

The global trade war has come to a welcome pause. On the sidelines of the G20 meeting in Buenos Aires over the weekend, the U.S. and Chinese Presidents, Donald Trump and Xi Jinping, agreed to a 90-day truce.

‘India remains the cornerstone of our foreign policy’

Bhutan’s new Foreign Minister Tandi Dorji reiterates the country’s policy of not having full relations with any permanent member of the UN Security Council, including China

Services agree on Permanent Chair

Chiefs of Staff Committee to get full-time head to improve jointmanship: Lanba

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5.8-tonne GSAT-11 ready for launch

A team of top officials and engineers of the Indian Space Research Organisation (IISRO), now stationed in the Guiana Space Centre, South America, is going over the last steps before it sees off the heaviest Indian communication satellite, GSAT-11, to its space orbit.

Uneasy fields

In order to address farmers’ distress, the entire agricultural chain needs a reboot

Make planning fashionable again

Economic planning is not considered fashionable today. Nevertheless, contemporary economic debates will have much to gain by revisiting the ideas on planning, championed in particular by Jawaharlal Nehru.

The boundaries of ethics

He Jiankui, who claims to have made the world’s first gene-edited babies, deserves to be rapped but not condemned

Jaitley pitches for easing trade barriers

Union Finance and Corporate Affairs Minister Arun Jaitley on Monday made a strong pitch for free global trade, stressing it was in the larger interests of consumers around the world, and enabled them to get the best products and services at a competitive cost.

‘CSO sourced data must be respected’

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) is a respected and credible organisation and its value and credibility should not be marred in any way, said Finance Commission Chairman N.K. Singh.

PT Facts

Sailing prowess of world navies on show

Sailing and racing skills of naval cadets from 31 countries were on display in the waters of the Ettikulam Bay here on Monday. The cadets surfed downwind and upwind on their Laser Radial sailing boats on the first day of the Admiral Cup Sailing Regatta 2018 conducted by the Indian Naval Academy (INA) here.

First manned Soyuz mission to ISS since October failure

A Soyuz rocket carrying Russian, American and Canadian astronauts took off from Kazakhstan and reached orbit on Monday, in the first manned mission since a failed launch in October.

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