Must Read News Articles-July 27th 2019
Red Book
Red Book

ForumIAS announcing GS Foundation Program for UPSC CSE 2025-26 from 10th August. Click Here for more information.


New anti-terror clause will be used sparingly; Azhar, Saeed to be first targets: official

The proposed amendment to the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) that enables the government to designate individuals as terrorists will be used “sparingly”

Private member’s bill urges state poll funding

Private member’s bill that seeks removal of the limit and state funding of elections as part of reforms to the way polls are financed in India has been moved in Rajya Sabha.

Substandard teacher training colleges to be shut down

The National Council for Teacher Education has begun the process of weeding out substandard teacher training colleges, as recommended in the draft National Education Policy.

Iran tests medium-range missile

Iran has fired a Shahab-3 medium-range missile


Companies Bill tightens CSR compliance

The Lok Sabha has passed the Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2019 which seeks to amend the Companies Act, 2013 and is aimed at tightening the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) compliance

Yields rise on doubts over overseas bond issue

Bond yields have started inching up following speculation that the government may shelve its plan to raise funds through an overseas sovereign bond issue.

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