India and neighbors
India ships wheat to Afghanistan via Chabahar: (The Hindu)
New route being used for first time to send consignment.
Government Policies
Law panel wants more autonomy for tribunals: (The Hindu)
Suggests CJI-led body to oversee postings.
Questions over delay: (The Hindu, Editorial)
A fresh procedure for appointing judges should be evolved by consensus.
Set up centres under all High Courts for vulnerable victims: SC: (The Hindu)
At least two special deposition centers must be set up within 3 months.
International Relations and Agreements
Multilateral subjects set to top talks with Italy: (The Hindu)
India’s push for membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group and bilateral trade are likely to be on the agenda.
The new great game as it unfolds: (The Hindu, Editorial)
Geopolitical interests in Southern Asia are complex — India must keep evaluating the U.S. grand strategy.
What the return of quadrilateral says about India and emerging Asian geopolitics: (Indian Express, Editorial)
The concept of quadrilateral cooperation among India, Japan, Australia and US is inextricably linked to China’s emergence as a great power, whose unilateralism drives Asian nations to band together.
Why companies use commercial papers as a source of funds: (The Hindu)
A commercial Paper (CP) is an unsecured loan raised by firms in money markets through instruments issued in the form of a promissory note. CPs can be issued for maturities between a minimum of 7 days and a maximum of up to one year from the date of issue.
Prelims Related News
Experimental vaccine may protect against HIV:
It stimulates immune response against ‘sugar shield’ of virus.
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