New U.S. policy is a ‘game-changer’, says Ashraf Ghani

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New U.S. policy is a ‘game-changer’, says Ashraf Ghani


  • India and Afghanistan deliberated on regional counter-terror efforts and emphasized on enhancing New Delhi’s defence assistance to Kabul during a day-long working visit by Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to India.
  • Mr Ghani  also praised the new United States (U.S) strategy  calling it a ‘game – changer’ as it aims at ensuring a regional approach to fighting terrorism, including making Pakistan act against “state sponsorship of sanctuaries” along the border with Afghanistan.

Meeting with Tillerson

  • Both India and Afghanistan expressed an appreciation for the U.S.’s new South Asia policy, as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson continued his travels in the region.
  • President Ghani and  Prime Minister Modi following the new U.S. Strategy, agreed that the strategy is an opportunity for lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan & South Asia; expansion of cooperation between the countries and the region.

Pros of the new South Asia policy

More military deployment in Afghanistan

  • The decision of U.S accompanying South Asian countries in throwing out terrorism from the region provides for a significant change in the nature of military peace.
  • The security scenario will result into sophistication of military operations. The new strategy will be dictated by “the conditions on the ground” not “arbitrary timetables”.  Such a move is necessary to avoid the collapse of the US-backed government in Kabul.

Strong hold on Pakistan

  • The second aspect of the new strategy is a strong focus on Pakistan to make sure it abides by its commitments.
  • Recently, U.S has expressed its concern over Pakistan actions in aborting terrorist activities. Pakistan often gives safe haven to agents of chaos, violence and terror.
  • U.S has asked Pakistan, a change of approach, a break with the status quo, threatening that no partnership can survive a country’s tolerance of militants and terrorists.

India playing an important role

  • The third part of the Trump strategy is his outreach to India, saying a “critical part” of his administration’s South Asia policy is to further develop the US’s strategic partnership with India.
  • U.S expects from India to play a greater role with the credible image it holds in Afghanistan. Afghanistan has also in return nodded in the friendly manner.

Significance of Present visit for India-U.S bilateral relations:

  • The visit set the course for India-U.S. relations going ahead, mapping convergences in connectivity, trade and economics and counter-terrorism cooperation.
  • Tillerson said America wants to be India’s most “reliable partner” in an increasingly uncertain world, thus, putting India at the very heart of America’s efforts to balance an increasingly assertive China.
  • Tillerson affirmation  that India and America “are two bookends of stability on either side of the globe” with shared political values and converging economic interests highlights the Credibility U.S puts on the shoulder of India.
  • In facing up to India’s concerns about Pakistan’s use of terror as an instrument of foreign policy and China’s quest for hegemony in the Indo-Pacific, Trump and Tillerson have raised hopes for a closer regional alignment between Delhi and Washington.
  • Tillerson sketched out a crucial role for India in maintaining in stability in the Asia Pacific region—along with partners like Japan and Australia besides the US. This was against the backdrop of the unpredictable rise of China.

How will this move help South Asia to get rid of terrorism?

  • US have clogged the financial aid to Pakistan military which were used in terror activities and has also removed Pakistan from the list of terror victim countries.
  • The policy asks Pakistan to stop terror in Afghanistan from her north-west tribal regions.
  • The emphasis on extradition of terror group leaders like Masood Azhar(JeM),Syed Salahuddin from Pakistan to India.
  • The policy recognizes internal threats like Naxalism and other organized crimes against India.
  • Recognition of groups like LeT, JeM, JuD, Haqqani network and global terror group like ISIS, Taliban and their safe haven in Pakistan, Somalia, Sahara belt will likely to have major impact on UN resolution on terrorism.

India-US Defence Relations

  • The defence partnership has been blossoming, growing and expanding over the last many years. In 2005 India-US framework agreement on civil nuclear cooperation was signed. This was renewed in 2015.
  • Recently India was designated as “a major defence partner”.This is a designation that the US provides to its NATO members, to its allies like Japan, Australia, New Zealand and South Korea. India will also be stepping into these ranges of countries.
  • There are large numbers of initiatives on defence cooperation and one of them is Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI).
  • Starting from the base level of zero in 2005 where there was no exchange, US has become the second largest supplier of defence equipments to India with orders more than $15 billion.  There is scope of making it trilateral by bringing in India-US-Japan or India-US-Australia. The Malabar exercise is in good progress.
  • There are so many indicators to prove that India – U.S relationship in defence and also in other areas like science, knowledge, and culture is in bright spot for both the countries. There are talks about Counter terrorism where we see prospects of greater relations.
  • In 2016, India and United States signed the LEMOA.

India – Afghanistan relations

Defense Cooperation:

  • India provides training to Afghanistan military officers in Indian military academies.
  • In 2014 India signed an agreement with Afghanistan and Russia. According to this agreement Russia will provide all military equipment needed by Afghanistan and India will pay for it.
  • India has directly provided three Russian-made Mi-25 attack helicopters to Afghan Air Force in 2015.

Corporation in fighting Terrorism

  • India wants a democratic and peaceful Afghanistan for stability in its relations. But the country faces terror threats in the following ways –
  • Afghani Taliban is a major terrorist group. They are attempting to take over the democratically elected Government in Afghanistan.
  • Al Qaeda and many other terrorist groups like Haqqani Network are very active in Afghanistan.
  • The recent rise of Islamic State terrorists may have spillover effects on India in future.

Why is Afghanistan important to India?

Pipeline Routes

  • The country is located strategically adjacent to the oil and gas rich Middle East & Central Asia giving it an important geostrategic location.
  • Afghanistan becomes an attractive real estate for dominance on the pipeline routes.

Natural Resources

  • Afghanistan is rich in natural resources such as previous metals and minerals.

Regional Balance of Power

  • India needs Afghanistan to keep Pakistan in check just like China has been using Pakistan against India
  • When Afghanistan was invaded by US in 2001, its objectives were to oust Taliban and control of natural resources of Afghanistan.
  • There was an agenda for the US and India to prevent Russian and Chinese hegemony in Central Asia.
  • Russia maintains Afghanistan as embankment to protect its vulnerable southern border from illegal narcotics and Islamic extremism.
  • These factors make Afghanistan has become a center of power struggle between superpowers.

Way forward

  • Delhi should focus on strengthening practical cooperation wherever possible with Trump’s Washington.
  • Delhi must seek to stiffen America’s resolve to confront the Pakistan Army’s sponsorship of terror, encourage them to discard the residual bureaucratic hesitations in Washington about supporting India’s rise and delineate the pathways for constructing a stable balance of power system in the Indo-Pacific.
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