Prelims 2020 postponed | OFFICIAL UPDATE by UPSC
Red Book
Red Book

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Hello there

As per the official statement of UPSC the preliminary examination has been deferred. FINAL DATE NOT DECIDED YET .

What has the commission said ?

The update from UPSC says :

The Civil Services (Prel.) Examination-2020, scheduled to be held on 31/05/2020, stands deferred. Decision on fresh date of the Examination will be made available on 20/05/2020 after assessing the situation.

Is there a press release ? Where can i see this update?

Yes. A press release has been issued . You can download it by clicking this link-> PRESS RELEASE May, 04, 2020

This was expected by many and prayed for by many 🙂

You can view the update on the official website here . Click on ” PRESS RELEASE May, 04, 2020″

So has the examination been deferred ?

Yes it has been deferred and people can expect a postponement of 30 days.

So what do i do know? Any tips for me ?

Since the date has been deferred . We would advice you to focus on revision of static, current and notes made from the test you must have given.

Also side by side you might want to start your mains preparation. There would be many who would not have completed their GS or Optional syllabus. They should start making notes/ revising what ever is left. Do a SWOT analysis as IFoS rank 52 has mentioned and get started on a plan.

Also please start your mains answer writing again to utilize the extra time received because you never know UPSC might reduce time between pre and mains this year to stick to it’s yearly time table. This is just a guess ;). As they say expect the best and prepare for the worst.

Point is to utilize every day and every hour that you have received. Utilize it well and reap the rewards. This is not the time to relax but to buckle up and put the prep in highest gear.

Some important updates from ForumIAS for you.
  1. Mains marathon will be resumed from May 10 2020 in a completely revamped format.
  2. We will start answer writing for various subjects soon.
  3. A detailed post on preparation strategy to adjust with this deferment.

Let us seize this moment 🙂

Dear aspirant kindly note that Forumias was the first Civils Preparation Website to convey this confirmed news to the aspirants. Earlier too we broke the news in this post.

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Also guys and girls more than 100 thousand people have been following this thread on our Forumias Community. Please follow it for all the latest info for this topic. 🙂

Worried about covering current affairs efficiently ? Note making taking a lot of time ? Read about approach for Current Affairs for Prelims 2020 + Classes by ForumIAS Available Online. Click here for details .


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